Skeptic is right, apart from the fact that CD-Roms can also be ordered readily.I did not make myself clear. I agree, CD-Roms can be ordered freely, as long as they will not ultimately be given to a non-JW (Bible studies will probably be allowed to get them).
I have never had trouble getting a CD-Rom for personal use when I was an active Witness. Nor was I ever asked for money for it.
The only time I was not allowed to order a CD-Rom was when I ordered it for the cong's library. This is the personal decision of the elder in charge of the library. I do not think there is a rule about this.
The only time I ever had trouble getting a CD-Rom is when I ask a JW to get me one. A sister sold me an old one, but then later asked for it back as "I found out they are for Jehovah's Witnesses only."
Although I am still officially a Witness, I do not present myself as such because my lifestyle and beliefs are not those of a JW.