Simon: Did you read my apology to you in the "I apologize to Simon" thread You will also find another post there by me where I show that SexyTeen was lying even as she apologies for lying?
Skeptic: Are you a skeptic? lol...LOL! Have fun, YoYo, just don't hurt anybody, OK?
You got it, Richard, except that YoYo is obviously nuts in a nasty way. When he couldn't get to first base by posing questions he thought no one could answer, he disappeared and then reincarnated himself as SexyTeen in order to play upon the emotions of good-hearted people. Note how he still manages to deceive people, even after having been thoroughly exposed.I am surprised that YoYo is able to decieve so many people, esp. the very intelligent like Abaddon. I am one who gives people the benefit of the doubt, but Sexy has been definitely exposed,
I really don't care about Yoyo using a different persona, I do that as well. I am worried that others will feel very hurt once they realize they have been duped. I was really embarrassed and pissed at first, but later calmed down after realizing that Sexy is fairly harmless.
As for people still being deceived after an expose, I know evangelic Christians who still avidly supported Jimmy Swaggart after he was exposed, knowing full well he was a fraud...although Jimmy is quite a speaker, and gave them that intense religious feeling, so they did get something from him.
Although I do not appreciate the Yoyo's deception, if people haven't clued in yet, then maybe they need a lesson in not trusting too much, a lesson in using their heads.