I suspect that Skeptic is more into the shopping malls of man made religion and just being plain religious than he is up holdinding his atheist dogma.
LOL. Yeah, my lifestyle is so religious. Especially when I am doing BDSM with a lady I am not married to. After all, I DO worship women!
Newsflash: I don't have to uphold an atheistic dogma. Or any dogma...that is the good part of not being part of any religion or cult.
I live my life as I choose, for better or for worse. I don't care if I am consistent with my beliefs or not. I just want to have a reasonably happy life before I die. I don't see how miltant adherence to any dogma will serve that very well.
I enjoy dabbling with illogical things that an atheist should not do. Like astrology, mystics, magic, tarot cards, psychics, Healing Touch, Reflexology, religion, etc. Do I really think these things work? Not really. I even know how they work and why people think it is "real". But I do have a emotional/religious side that enjoys them and is in awe of them too. I have long ago accepted that "illogical" side of me as being very human. And on occasion, I try to be "openminded" about those topics and give my illogical side an outlet. And I don't give a rat's ass what anyone thinks of that side of me.
Besides, nothing kills a conversation about astrology quicker than saying, "Let me show you why that is a bunch of bunk."
Besides, not being consistent gives me a peek at the viewpoints and reasoning of others.
Edited by - Skeptic on 18 December 2002 19:1:43
Edited by - Skeptic on 18 December 2002 19:6:27
Edited by - Skeptic on 19 December 2002 0:7:15