logansrun, thank you for illustrating your point in a non-disgusting manner.
This discussion reminds me of the question, "If you could achieve permanent world peace by killing one innocent child, would you?" The answers you give indicate your value system.
The problem is with the word absolute. Once a person says something is always wrong, people can come up with scenarios where it might not be. Other problems are around the definitions of words.
Rape is one. Most people define rape as forcing unwanted sex on someone. In Canada, having sex with someone who said "No" is rape. This is normally a good law, but there have been abuses. Let's say a man wants to have sex with a woman and she says no once. If she later changes her mind and makes love, he can still be charged with rape.
If a woman is drunk when she has sex, the man can be charged with rape. Though it is a good law conceptionally, this one has been abused as well.