JoinedTopics Started by crystlew123
Atheist Book of Bible Stories
by crystlew123 inok so i dl'd this book.
and i immediatly began reading it.
i am about 50 pdf pages into it.
do you remember the Last assembly you attended?
by crystlew123 ini dont remember the date.
or the year or if it was a district or circuit.
what i do remember is that we rode up with a car full of other female witnesses.
My story. not that interesting but, I want to tell it.
by crystlew123 inhi my name is crystle.
( i dont care if my congregation finds out what i am posting.
i havent been "in" for ten years and i have already told severl members what i think and where they can shove it...:/) i am 27 years old, and a single mother of a wonderful 6 year old.