Ci-dessous une liste non exhaustive des conventions de l'association internationale des étudiants de la bible organisées en parallèle de conventions maçonniques où paramaçonniques afin de bénéficier de tarifs ferroviaires avantageux - Soutiens logistiques des mouvements maçonniques / paramaçonniques et de certaines compagnies de chemins de fers.
> 25-27 Août 1900 (Chicago)
"The Chicago Convention. Change of date, to August 25, 26, 27. - IT HAS BEEN found necessary to change our Convention dates to one week earlier than announced in our last issue. All arrangements are now complete as follows : RAIL ROAD RATES, ETC. We are taking advantage of the extremely low rail road rates granted to the "G.A.R. Encampment," but open to everybody : so Excursion Tickets for the "G.A.R. Encampment," (and not for our Convention), should be called for. Make full inquiry of your R.R. ticket agent in advance, respecting date when he will have these cheap tickets on sale." ("The Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence"; 1 Août 1900; p.240)
"The Chicago Convention - Aug. 25-27. - We learn with regret that some of the rail roads entering Chicago have instructed their near-by agents not to commence selling the cheap "G.A.R. Excursion" tickets until Aug. 26. This will undoubtedly prevent some from attending the Convention on its opening day, the 25th; but should it be the desire of a goodly number, the Convention can be prolonged to include the 28. The dates already announced will be the best can do (Aug. 25-27), for we want to include a Sunday, and prefer that, so far as possible, the commotion incidental to arrivals on the opening day shall be over before Sunday. Full particulars were given in last WATCH TOWER, and will be sent by mail on application. The Editor of this journal will attend, and hopes that all friends will introduce themselves to him, by name and place." ("The Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence"; 15 Août 1900; p.242)
> 12-15 Septembre 1901 (Cleveland)
"The Cleveland Convention - Notice that lower rates have been secured - $1.00 per day. Inquire of your own ticket agent, in good season, respecting "G.A.R. Excursion Tickets." Notify us at once if you desire lodgings secured, as rooms will be scarce." ("The Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence"; 1 Septembre 1901; p.274 - voir
"The Cleveland Convention - Our general Convention for the year is appointed for Cleveland, Ohio, commencing Thursday, Sept. 12 at 2 P.M., closing Sunday night, Sept. 15. Special rail-road rates can be obtained; on western roads as low as 1 cent per mile - account "G.A.R. Encampment"; but those using such tickets must reach Cleveland some time before midnight of Sept. 12. Special arrangements have been made by the Cleveland friends for our comfortable entertainment at one dollar per day, each, for food and lodging (one-half what we had expected). And further, they kindly offer free entertainment to such as cannot afford this small price. Send us word, at once, if you decide to attend, that arrangements may be made for your party. The city will be crowdes and accomodations hard to find at the time. State married couples and whether the others are males or females, for of course separate rooms, etc., could not be had for each at the price." ("The Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence"; 1 Septembre 1901; p.288 - voir
> 1902
"Our annual conventions - (...) Some seem to get a wrong impression respecting the purchase of the excursion tickets to these conventions, they seem to think that it would be wrong for us who are not "Odd Fellows" not members of the "Grand Army", to avail ourselves of these cheap excursions. This is a decided mistake; the excursions are open to anybody and probably not more than one-half of those using the tickets will be members of the orders named. There is nothing dishonorable about it. It is fully understood by the railways, and not only ourselves but others make it a habit to hold conventions at the same time with these large conventions, so as to take advantage of the cheap rates granted by the railways - which are only granted because of the large numbers expected to be in attendance. The railways do what they can to get as much travel as possible on these excursion tickets." ("The Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence"; 15 Septembre 1902; p.281; 3076 - 3077)
> 19-21 Août 1904 (Boston)
"General Convention, Boston, Mass., Aug. 19, 20, 21 - For particulars regarding convention arrangements, see last page, this issue. Note the dates below. This Convention takes place in connection with the G.A.R. Encampment, for which the railroads have made very low excursion rates. For rates and routes inquire of your nearest Railroad agents. Tickets will be on sale as follows : In "Central Passenger Association" territory - west of Pittsburg, Buffalo, Parkersburg and Wheeling, to Chicago and St. Louis, etc. - from Aug. 12 to 14. In "Trunk Line Passenger Association" territory - east of Pittsburg, Buffalo, etc., to New York City, Albany, etc. - from Aug. 13 to 15. In "New England Passenger Association" territory -east of Albany, New York City, etc. - from 13 to 16, except from points within 150 miles of Boston; from the latter places the purchasing dates are Aug.15 to 18. In each case journey must begin before midnight of last date named. Anoyme residing within the "New England Passenger Association's" territory unable to take the "G.A.R. Excursion" above mentioned at the dates named, should ask for an "Excursion Certificate to the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society's Convention at Boston, Mass." He will pay full (one way) fare for the certificate but will be entitled to a return ticket at a reduction, provided 100 such tickets can be shown. So, then, get the cheaper "G.A.R. Excursion" tickets if possible; but otherwise get the "Certificate" mentioned, and thus help others as well as yourself to lower rates than regular fare." ("The Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence"; 15 Octobre 1904; p.242)
> 13-19 Août 1906 (St. Paul)
"St. Paul, Minn., August 13-19 - (For information respecting meetings, accommodations, etc., see last page, this issue) All railroads have granted a rate of one cent a mile on account of the G.A.R. Encampment at Minneapolis. Ask for "G.A.R. Excursion Ticket" to Minneapolis, although it will not be necessary to go to that city to fulfil conditions of the ticket. On arrival at St. Paul display a Watch Tower at railway station for purpose of identification; but be not disappointed if you meet no one you know. The letter sent you gives explicit directions for reaching the lodgings secured for you by the Committee." ("The Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence"; 15 Août 1906; p.258 - voir
> 1 Septembre 1908 (Pittsburgh)
"One General Convention at Pittsburg - Il was remarked incidentally that this year would probably witness one large Convention at Pittsburg, about the time of the G.A.R. Encampment at Toledo, Ohio, and if possible be so arranged as to gain for us some of the advantages of their usually low railroad rates. This would bring it about September 1, but definite announcement may be looked for soon in these columns." ("The Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence"; 1 Mars 1908; p.71; 4145)
"America needs piety more than vast enterprises - Will beat tariff, railways or bumper wheat crops in results." ("The Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence"; 1 Septembre 1908; p.262; 4231)
"Put-in-bay convention report - (...) Many eyes were moist and many hearts evidently very tender when Brother Russell greeted them saying, "It is good to be here! It will be better to be there! As the Grand Army of the Redeemer, fight a good fight! We must die to win," etc. Undoubtedly a great blessing was carried away to the cheering and comfort of loved ones who could not be with us." ("The Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence"; 1 Septembre 1908; p.287-288; 4248)
"Put-in-bay convention - For particulars we refer our readers to our issue of August 15th, with the following items of added information : The Pennsylvania Railroad Co. will run a special train for us from Pittsburg on Saturday, August 29th, at 6 a. m. (Allegheny 6.03 a. m. city time) to connect with the lake steamer at Cleveland, O. It will be run onto their lake dock, and the steamer will stop there to take our party aboard. The Washington and Baltimore friends will probably take a through sleeper on train No. 23, witch will be attached to our "Special" at Pittsbug. The Philadelphia friends may do likewise. Friends can board this train at Beaver Falls, Pa., at 5.30 a. m., or at Alliance, O., at 6.40, Central time. Friends from nearby places who find 6 a. m. too early for their connections will do well to remember the Friday midnight sleeper from Pittsburg, which can be entered at 10 p. m., $1.50 extra for a berth for two. Notify our "CONVENTION DEPT." at once which of these trains you decide to take, that provision may be made to avoid over-crowding and discomfort." ("The Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence"; 1 Septembre 1908; p.262 - voir
"Possibly other excursion rates to Put-in-bay - Those who cannot purchase G.A.R. Toledo excursion tickets to advantage will do well to inquire for WATCH TOWER SOCIETY rates to Put-in-Bay, O., as the railroads may possibly yet make us a special rate via Cleveland, Detroit and Buffalo." ("The Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence"; 1 Septembre 1908; p.262 - voir
"G.A.R. western excursion items - Dates of sale : From points in Missouri, Iowa and Omaha, Neb., tickets will be on sale August 27th to 30th, inclusive. From Mississippi River stations and East, tickets will be on sale August 28th to 31st, inclusive. Return limit : Tickets good returning leaving destination on and including Sept. 15th. Depositing tickets : It is NOT necessary to deposit ticket, unless you wish to remain longer than September 15th. Extension of limit : By deposit of return portion of ticket by original purchaser in person with the Validating Agent not later than 12 o'clock midnight on September 15th, and on payment of $1.00 at the time of deposit, extension of return limit may be obtained to leave Toledo not later than October 15th. Tickets so deposited will be executed by Validating Agent when withdrawn from the agency and will be honored to commence continous return passage only on date of execution. St Louis, Mo., rate, $16.50; Chicago, $8.25; Kansas City, Mo., 24.15; Omaha, Neb., $28.25. But consult your own railway agent in good season." ("The Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence"; 1 Septembre 1908; p.262 - voir
> 1909
"Railroad and steamboat fare - The Railroad Trunk Lines Association have granted us a special rate of one fare and a half to Saratoga and return, certificate plan. Bring certificate. However, tickets from points west of Buffalo, N.Y., and Pittsburgh, Pa., may be had at a still less rate, namely, one fare and a third on the regular Saratoga Excursion. We presume that the same rates will apply on all roads south of Washington City. Friends from Canada and the northern States may find it cheaper to buy New York City Excursion with stop-over at Schenectady, N.Y., with side-trip from there to Saratoga Springs. All railroad tickets from Albany to New York are available for passage on the Hudson River steamboat September 4." ("The Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence"; 1 Septembre 1909; p.268; 4469)
> 16-18 Juillet 1909 (Los Angeles)
"Los Angeles, Cal., July 16-18 - Brother Russell expects to be present the afternoon of the 16th till 5 p. m. of the 17th. Excellent programme, including Brother Rutherford, is provided for the other sessions. Purchase reduced rate tickets account of "Elks' Convention." Futher details from Mr. E. D. Sexton, 214 O. T. Johnson Building." ("The Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence"; 1 Juillet 1909; 4425)
Benevolent Protec live order of Elks (B.P.O.E.) : Organisation paramaçonnique créé en 1868