(1a) Irregular Freemasonry:
The Nuwaupian Grand Lodge of Freemasonry Worldwide, Inc. - http://thenuwaupiangrandlodge.com/e-a-authors-note/
(1b) Regular Freemasonry:
L’EDIFICE (French Masonic association) - https://www.ledifice.net/7017-1.html
(2) Former Freemasons members:
CAILLET Maurice (born 1933) - (CAILLET Maurice, La franc-maçonnerie - Quelle doctrine? Quels dangers, Saint-Gervais: éditions Les Semeurs d'Espérance, 6 mai 2011, p.9) - https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maurice_Caillet_(médecin)
(3) Historians:
VIDAL MANZANARES César (born 1958) - (VIDAL MANZANARES César, Los masones: la sociedad secreta màs influyente de la historia, Barcelone: éditions Planeta DeAgostini, 2005)
ESCOBAR GOLDEROS Mario (born 1971) - (ESCOBAR GOLDEROS Mario, Historia de la Masoneria en los Estados Unidos - Influencia de la sociedad secreta mas poderosa sobre mayor potencia del orbe, éditions Almuzara, Collection Histoire, 2009)
(4) Conspirationists:
MILLER Edith Star (1887-1933) - (MILLER Edith Starr, Occult Theocracy, Abbeville: imprimerie F. Paillart, 1933, p.539, 540, 721 et 737)
SPRINGMEIER Fritz (born 1955) - (SPRINGMEIER Fritz, The Watchtower & the Masons, 1990)
(5) Public figures:
McCARTY Joseph (1908-1957) - (McCARTY Joseph, George Washington's surrender, 1956)
(6) Historians:
BLANDRE Bernard (born 1948) - (BLANDRE Bernard, Mouvements Religieux, n°296, décembre 2004) - https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard_Blandre
(7) Sociologists:
INTROVIGNE Massimo (born 1955) - (INTROVIGNE Massimo, Les courants magiques traditionnels et les nouveaux mouvements religieux, 8° Colloque international de l’Institut de Droit et d’Histoire Canoniques, Aix-en-Provence: Université d’Aix-Marseille III, 15 avril 1994)
(8) Dissident Bible Students:
Mouvement Missionnaire Intérieur Laïque (M.M.I.L.): http://ctrussell.fr/frmacon.htm
The Restitution Bible Students: http://restitutionbible.com/charles-taze-russell-fact-vrs-fiction/
(9) Regular Freemasonry:
Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon / Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania / Grand Lodge of Ireland / United Grand Lodge of England - http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/biography/russell_c/russell_c.html
HODAPP Christopher (born 1958): Freemason (33rd degree Scottish Rite Mason in the Valley of Indianapolis) - http://freemasonsfordummies.blogspot.com/2008/03/thanks-to-pittsburgh-brethren.html