C.T. Russell / Free and Accepted Order of Masons of the Lord Jesus Christ's Commandery

by mizpah2 45 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • mizpah2

    Le lundi 16 juin 1913, le Pasteur Charles T. Russell prononça un discours privé - réservé aux "intéressés" - au Golden Gate Commandery hall de San Francisco (1) (2).
    Dans un premier temps, lors de cette conférence intitulée "Le Temple de Dieu", le 2ème président de la société Watch Tower s’identifia directement à 6 reprises comme "Maçons", "Franc [Mot en italique] Maçon", "Maçon libre et accepté", membre du "Grand Ordre de Maçonnerie libre et acceptée", adepte d'une "maçonnerie moderne" et membre de "l'Ordre de la Maçonnerie libre et accepté". Peu après, il précisera "je n'aie jamais été un Maçon." Cependant, à la fin de cette allocution, Russell s’assimilera avec son auditoire comme des "Maçons de l’Ordre Libre et Accepté de la Commanderie du Seigneur Jésus-Christ".

    Aussi, Charles Taze Russell était-il un franc-maçon ou tout simplement le créateur d‘une nouvelle forme de maçonnerie?
    A ce jour, la fraternité maçonnique n'a pas révélé l'inscription de Charles Taze Russell dans une nomenclature d'un tableau de loge (Date de son initiation et qualité maçonnique). Son adhésion, sous la forme évoquée précédemment, n'a pas été trouvée également par des profanes (Non-initié à la Franc-maçonnerie). Faut-il supposer que les traces de son appartenance à une loge restent à découvrir ou qu’on ait eu de bonnes raisons de les supprimer en leur temps? Indéniables sont en revanche ses attaches, ainsi que celles de ces collaborateurs, avec les milieux maçonniques ou para-maçonniques.
    De même, la littérature, les chants et les symboles, véhiculés par son mouvement, témoignent d’un héritage ésotérique, non négligeable, issu de différents courants de pensées. Enfin, l’ouverture des portes des temples hermétiques aux Etudiants de la Bible démontre une relative concorde fraternelle entre toutes ces communautés (3).
    Aussi, plus la recherche progresse, plus on se rend compte que Russell puisa sa doctrine à de nombreuses sources antérieurs à la fois religieuses mais aussi occultes.

    (1) Construit en 1906, ce temple maçonnique du rite d’York porte l'inscription suivante sur sa façade principale: "The Golden Gate Commandery No. 16 of the Knights Templar".
    (2) La convention organisée par l'Association Internationale des Etudiants de la Bible (I.B.S.A.) est inscrite à trois reprises sous la rubrique "Réunions-Loges" du journal "The San Francisco call." ("The San Francisco call.", 14 Juin 1913, p.12 / "The San Francisco call.", 15 Juin 1913 / "The San Francisco call.", 16 Juin 1913, p.12).
    (3) La société Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society et ses diverses associations organisèrent sur une période d'environ 110 ans (1882/1992) plus de 3400 réunions dans des lieux ésotériques (Temples des Francs-maçons, halls des Maccabées, mosquées de l'Ordre des Arabes Anciens des Nobles du Sanctuaire Mystique, halls de l'Ancien Ordre des Druides...). Ces rassemblements privés ou publiques ont été planifiés sur 5 continents différents, environ une dizaine de pays et plus de 330 villes dans le monde.

  • peacefulpete

    Man I wish they were Masons. The Masons do a lot of good charitable work.

    Also about 200,000 or so Mason were killed by Hitler and many more thrown into concentration camps. So they must be the true religion.

  • fulano

    I thought it was an english forum?

  • Tameria2001

    Google Translate

    On Monday, June 16, 1913, Pastor Charles T. Russell gave a private address - reserved for "interested"- at the Golden Gate Commandery Hall in San Francisco (1) (2).
    At first, at this conference titled "The Temple of God" , the 2nd President of the Watch Tower Society identified himself directly on 6 occasions as "Masons" , "Franc [italicized word] Mason" , "Free Mason" and accepted " , member of the " Free and Accepted Grand Master of Freemasonry " , adept of a " modern masonry " and member of the " Free and Accepted Order of Freemasonry ". A little after, However, at the end of this address, Russell will assimilate with his audience as "Masons of the Free and Accepted Order of the Commandery of the Lord Jesus Christ".

    Also, was Charles Taze Russell a freemason or just the creator of a new form of masonry?
    To date, the Masonic fraternity has not revealed the inscription of Charles Taze Russell in nomenclature of a dressing table (date of his initiation and Masonic quality). Its membership, in the form mentioned above, was not found also by laymen (Non-initiated to Freemasonry). Should we suppose that the traces of his belonging to a box remain to be discovered or that there were good reasons to suppress them in their time? On the other hand, his associates, as well as those of these collaborators, with Masonic or para-Masonic circles are undeniable.
    In the same way, the literature, the songs, and the symbols conveyed by its movement testify of an esoteric inheritance, not negligible, resulting from different currents of thoughts. Finally, the opening of hermetic temples to Bible Students demonstrates a relative fraternal harmony among all these communities (3).
    Thus, the more progress is made, the more one realizes that Russell drew his doctrine from many sources, both religious and occult.

    (1) Built in 1906, this Masonic Temple of the Rite of York bears the following inscription on its main facade: "The Golden Gate Commandery No. 16 of the Knights Templar".
    (2) The convention organized by the International Association of Students of the Bible (IBSA) is registered three times under the heading "Meetings-Lodges" of the newspaper "The San Francisco Call."( "The San Francisco Call." , June 14, 1913, p.12 / "The San Francisco Call." , June 15, 1913,/ "The San Francisco Call." , June 16, 1913, p.12).
    (3) Watch Tower Bible Society and Tract Society and its various associations organized over a period of about 110 years (1882/1992) more than 3400 meetings in esoteric places (Temples of Freemasons, halls of the Maccabees, mosques of the Order of the Ancient Arabs of the Nobles of the Mystic Sanctuary , halls of the Old Order of the Druids ...). These private or public gatherings were planned on 5 different continents, about ten countries and more than 330 cities in the world.

  • mizpah2

    (The San Francisco call., 14 juin 1913, p.12)

    (The San Francisco call., 15 juin 1913)

    (The San Francisco call., 16 juin 1913, p.12)

  • mizpah2

    Golden Gate Commandery hall (2135 & 2137 Sutter Street, San Francisco)

    Golden Gate Commandery hall (San Francisco)

  • Phizzy

    So far as I remember the real evidence is totally lacking that Russel was a member of the Freemason fraternity. Apart from very thin circumstantial stuff like the above. It is certain that one of his close relatives ( an Uncle ? ) was.

    I think he was aware of the power and influence that Masons had in his day, and wanted to attract them to his movement, hence the advert for IBSA at the end of the masonic stuff, and hence his use of Masonic expressions, though of course we all use these too, " On the level" etc etc

    Would it matter today to the JW Org if he had been a Mason ? I doubt it, they have distanced themselves since Rutherford's time from Russell, his teachings, and the Bible Student movement.

    Was Rutherford a Mason ? That might be more of a problem for the Org.

  • Theonlyoneleft

    Mispah anglais s’il vous plait, je ne comprend pas francais 😊


  • mizpah2
  • mizpah2

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