"not ad hominem attacks." - you mean not like yours in other places online? under insulting usernames..
" while it is true that Wikipedia is not a primary academic source, referencing it in a broader discussion is not inherently invalid"
- you cite the source from Wikipedia - NO respected academic article cites a wikipedia page..
cite the exception.
I have read many academic articles in my time, NONE have ever cited Wikipedia.
Even Stafford who cites 2 sources from Wikipedia DOES NOT cite the wikipedia article. According to academics Iv spoken to you are WRONG!
What are we to do with Tetullians statment about Idol makers
just before that statement if it is not just directed at false gods?
Allins claims have been addressed with evidence... not hard to find.
The man is totally dishonest in other areas as well - not hard to find with a quick bit of research..
". Many scholars, both Trinitarian and otherwise, have raised concerns about the NWT’s theological bias" - Citation of the "otherwise"?
" even as He is one with His Son." - you omit to mention what gender the "One" is here, neuter or masculine, makes a BIG difference
"leaving no room for any secondary agents—whether false gods, angels, or any other beings. " - Opinion, not fact - moving on.
There are other examples in the OT where God explicitly declares he did something "alone"
"Tertullian explicitly denied that the Son was a subordinate or separate being. " -
where? and he explicitly stated that this statement only includes false gods (Which would include rival gods)...
"Jesus, as the Logos, was the direct agent of creation, fully sharing in the divine essence."
- you know what "agent" means right? - YHWH is not the agent of creation... he was/ is the creator.
see here: https://www.google.com/search?q=agent+meaning&oq=agent+meaning&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDE1MTJqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
(I genuinely think you don't know what "agent" means - an "agent" is generally subordinate in some sense)
It doesn't mean "creator" it means something other than the original designer
- this wasnt strictly out of the realms of interpretation as there are other sources that state similar.
"For example, Origen explicitly states in Contra Celsum (Book 8, Chapter 12) that the Logos is worshiped along with the Father, reflecting his belief in the Logos’s full divinity."
- proper citation? yes what did Origen say tho? I don't want an opinion from you - Mr quote mining accuser who then quote mines himself - full citation please.
"However, the New Testament's consistent portrayal of Jesus as Creator (John 1:3, Col. 1:16, Heb. 1:10) "
- Where is Jesus explicitly called "creator"?
Where is the Father explicitly called "creator"?
One is possible to answer, the other one is not.
"Your critique of traditional Trinitarian scholarship as inherently biased fails to account for the rigorous academic standards applied in such studies. "
- by only trinitarians, cite the exception if you can.