"and I also looked up what he wrote in other places," - sure, why should I take your word on this? you are already known to quote mine.. twice infact.
But it should be noted "a god" and "a divine being" clearly don't mean the same thing to Hart as he lists them separately.
"and it is clear that Hart explicitly negates the way JWs read and understand the NWT rendering" - how can he "negate" it when he states its a possible rendering? you still haven't answered this
the rest is the usual - the longer your messages the more on the ropes you are AQ. your making stuff up as you go - because Hart doesn't suit your agenda. Its so clear to anyone wo can read basic English
You make some wild accusations to your second post - that no one has ever claimed, they seem to be invented by you.. as a quick bit of research will show Constantine wanted a united statement of faith.. Before Nicea, Councils as "authority" were unknown in scriptural matters (paraphrase of Hart)
You don't even listen to Hart when he talks.
Hart even compares Johns Logos with Philos, something you also reject outright.,
"Your quote is also a mere historical observation about the diversity of early Christian theology ("what many [not everyone, not even the majority] consider to be orthodox Christianity")" - not what Hart said explicitly in the interview, he said quite the opposite.. again why should I believe you over the man talking?
"Thomas’s declaration is merely an exclamation or honorific, as it directly addresses Jesus:
- The phrase εἶπεν αὐτῷ (“he said to him”, not not "to them", not one for Christ, the other for some kind of "Jehovah") confirms that Thomas is speaking only to one person, to Christ, not the Father.
- The possessive pronoun μου (“my”) emphasizes Thomas’s personal recognition of Jesus as both Lord and God.
" - Hart would disagree, according to him it could go either way. it may be or may not be.. He doesn't have a definite answer, and doesn't go as far as saying yes this is a definite proof text of Christs being God - again this man goes on evidence, you go by theological motivation.