Slim - We should just start spreading that AQ believes Arianism tbh... because that is what he is doing to Hart.. Maybe then he will learn to not be so dishonest.
in fact if you can, contact Hart and link him to AQ's posts - I would love to see his response to these outlandish assertations of what he "believes" - Then AQ can publicly be outed as a fraud and a liar - and hopefully teach him a lesson on lying.
(I haven't yet found an email address for him - haven't had time to look)
AQ clearly hasn't watched the video as he literally said it could be rendered "a god" - explicitly.. But AQ doesn't like this, so doesn't dare watch the video.
How dishonest can one person be, simply reading what Hart says he says:
rather, we have to rely on orthography and typography, using the difference between an uppercase or lowercase g to indicate the distinction between God and [a] god.
Keyword is "rely" in this paragraph. - because we don't distinguish between the specific noun types.. AQ quote mining again.
AQ says: "Hart does not imply that the Logos is merely "a god" or a derivative divine agency. Instead, he emphasizes that the qualitative use of "θεός" signals the Logos' participation in the divine essence while maintaining a distinction from "God" as the Father."
Hart says:
"however, θεός (theos)... could be used of any divine being, however finite: a god or a derivative divine agency, say, or even a divinized mortal.”"
No he doesnt imply it - he EXPLICITLY states it, so your right he doesn't imply it, he 1 ups you.
We should also note AQ has cut some of this out - full quote please AQ
and you forgot this bit:
"God in his full transcendence is always ho theos; and the crucial importance of the difference between this and the inarticular theos is especially evident at 10:34–36. Most important of all, this distinction imbues the conclusion of the twentieth chapter with a remarkable theological significance, for it is there that Christ, now risen from the dead, is explicitly addressed as ho theos (by the apostle Thomas). Even this startling profession, admittedly, left considerable room for argument in the early centuries as to whether the fully divine designation was something conferred upon Christ only after the resurrection"
"Hart does not endorse the New World Translation’s “a god”, because they fail to recognize the theological context and nuance." - Where does he say this? quote him verbatim saying this exact thing. He literally says it CAN be rendered "a god"
No he does NOT endorse NWT specifically, but literally if your mind can comprehend the video Slimboyfat linked - he says "a god" IS A POSSILE RENDERING.
you forgot to BOLD this bit - AQ
"whereas I confine myself entirely to lowercase letters to indicate where the Greek speaks only of θεός (theos) without the article; but, to make the matter more confusing, I have indicated three uses of the word without article (vv. 6, 12, and 13), all concerning the relation between the divine and the created, in all small capitals, to indicate that it is not clear in these instances whether the distinction in forms is still operative, and whether the inarticular form of the noun is being used simply of God as related to creatures through his Logos. "