Metatron said this intheir own post, which is what I found here in Britian also,
"Years ago, when my mom was alive, she was very active
in the door to door work. She always had bible studies.
But she started noticing a change in the kind of people
being studied with. There were fewer middle class
intact families - and more 'damaged' people, often on welfare.
As she bluntly pointed out, fewer 'quality' people, capable
of standing on their own and more people with long term
problems - who were likely to remain dependent on others, emotionally
or otherwise.
Blunt as she was, she didn't want to call them 'losers'!
And so here we are,
Most (east coast) congregations I'm familiar with
are loaded with weak, childlike people who have little
ability to think or reason in confronting the practical
demands of life. Such as:
Young married teenagers with no career skills or emotional maturity
Older married Witnesses with 'I got my green card, so long sucker'
mates ("I met a nice sister in Russia/South America/East Europe")
Brothers working three part time jobs (no college, etc)
People with chronic emotional problems who evangelize out of the
mainstream remedies ("You have multiple personalities/ are
are allergic to everything/ were abused by Satanists....")
Depressed old timers who would never admit, out loud, that they've
been screwed
Burdened, tired, broke single moms - who will have their kids
disfellowshipped, just as soon as the elders get around to it.
Get rich quick Amway/Pyramid schemers
Burned out elders, faking it, too cowardly to quit
Teenagers, rebelling against all of it, but so lacking in
practical life skills, that the organization will shadow
them for life.
and countless bad marriages.
Too bad for the Society,
Their goal is control, to keep people away from thinking skills
and the above is the fruitage
Good God!, They'd be better off watching Oprah! (shudder!)