Myelaine: LOL. Nice.
JoinedPosts by grumblecakes
Anything new BESIDES new bible release at the annual meeting?
by EndofMysteries inso was it all just a new bible release or was there any doctrine changes, etc?
GAH!! AGM!!! >:( (Or "Grumblecakes is Disgusted")
by grumblecakes infirst of all, big "thank you's" to everyone who put up the goods after attending!
why im disgusted.
the new bible (no, it doesnt have a new name, for all who are asking) is a huge f**king monstrosity!
Seriously, try to go online and watch it (they said it would be available on Its so infuriating.
David Splane's talk is at the end. He said the probem with the previoous edition was that too many words/terms could be interpreted too many ways (like "routine") and that whole talks, albeit well meaning talks, were built around something other than what the scriptures intended...
Then he added...
It was not entirely these well meaning brothers' fault, our publications at times said the same (or similar?) things based words and phrasings in the NWT that were just too broad.
GAH!! AGM!!! >:( (Or "Grumblecakes is Disgusted")
by grumblecakes infirst of all, big "thank you's" to everyone who put up the goods after attending!
why im disgusted.
the new bible (no, it doesnt have a new name, for all who are asking) is a huge f**king monstrosity!
Oh yeah, the foot notes are a hoot.
There's soooo much to coment on about this grey pile of s**t, its hard to know where to begin.
GAH!! AGM!!! >:( (Or "Grumblecakes is Disgusted")
by grumblecakes infirst of all, big "thank you's" to everyone who put up the goods after attending!
why im disgusted.
the new bible (no, it doesnt have a new name, for all who are asking) is a huge f**king monstrosity!
"Haha. So the reasoning book is dead then... that sure isn't a true replacement."
Yeah, it makes the RS book look competent.
Anything new BESIDES new bible release at the annual meeting?
by EndofMysteries inso was it all just a new bible release or was there any doctrine changes, etc?
The new app was the only other release. Available monday on windows 8, android, and apple platforms.
They demo'd the app. The cool feature is that if you're on a verse and click the number of the verse, 5 other translations will appear. One of them is supposed to be the King James...but Im suspicious if its truly unaltered in any way.
They are waaaay too comfortable modifing the Bible these days.
GAH!! AGM!!! >:( (Or "Grumblecakes is Disgusted")
by grumblecakes infirst of all, big "thank you's" to everyone who put up the goods after attending!
why im disgusted.
the new bible (no, it doesnt have a new name, for all who are asking) is a huge f**king monstrosity!
Pearlsister: replied.
GAH!! AGM!!! >:( (Or "Grumblecakes is Disgusted")
by grumblecakes infirst of all, big "thank you's" to everyone who put up the goods after attending!
why im disgusted.
the new bible (no, it doesnt have a new name, for all who are asking) is a huge f**king monstrosity!
Ok this is what they are calling the "mini reasoning book". Its in the very front of the "bible".
GAH!! AGM!!! >:( (Or "Grumblecakes is Disgusted")
by grumblecakes infirst of all, big "thank you's" to everyone who put up the goods after attending!
why im disgusted.
the new bible (no, it doesnt have a new name, for all who are asking) is a huge f**king monstrosity!
Mt 24:45 is unchanged
Mt 24:46 "Happy is that slave if his master on comingfinds him doing so!"
GAH!! AGM!!! >:( (Or "Grumblecakes is Disgusted")
by grumblecakes infirst of all, big "thank you's" to everyone who put up the goods after attending!
why im disgusted.
the new bible (no, it doesnt have a new name, for all who are asking) is a huge f**king monstrosity!
John 17:3 CHANGED!!!! They made a big deal outta that! I forgot to mention that!!! (no change to John 1:1)
17:3 now reads:
"This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ."
They said "'Taking in knowledge', what does that mean? Lots of people we study the Bible with 'take in knowledge', for years even, but never come into The Truth"
GAH!! AGM!!! >:( (Or "Grumblecakes is Disgusted")
by grumblecakes infirst of all, big "thank you's" to everyone who put up the goods after attending!
why im disgusted.
the new bible (no, it doesnt have a new name, for all who are asking) is a huge f**king monstrosity!
Ok Im having trouble uploading now, dammit!
Will put up a sample page from the "mini reasoning book shortly"...whatever your picturing...that's not it. Seriously.
Perfect1: nope, not that crafty. Bought at Pier One. Only $1 each and smell awesome!