Always with the Mary Kay, huh Venice?
. o O (slipnslidemaster)
but it's not as if i've got two heads or anything!!!.
Always with the Mary Kay, huh Venice?
. o O (slipnslidemaster)
The web's purpouse is the same as the lion's fangs, of course. To catch straw!
Genius, pure genius.
The spiders and flies will lie side by side and eat straw together.
. o O (slipnslidemaster)
found this article on the web some time back folks ..... could relate to most of.
it ..... thought it might be of help to all of you too ... jang.
spiritual abuse once robbed me of the things listed below.
Just your parents???
I see me.
. o O (slipnslidemaster)
when you can't decide what to celebrate.
THAT WAS AWESOME!!! That is my new wallpaper!!
. o O (slipnslidemaster)
ever wonder where some of the wt `biblical` teachings came from?.
for example, where in the bible does it say that you should report.
AS a young kid in late 6o's living in the deep south Sunday mornings was field service time.The young guys would go together in a 454 cu. inch oldsmobile Delta 88.We'd go on return visits- we knew no would be home,everyone was in church in them days and the Sheriff would be in church too.So we'd start at one end of the county make a RV get in the car, race 120 miles an hour down the straight highway to the other end of the county visit another NH RV and race to the other end of the county till we had our time in.
God, that sounds like fun. I wished that we would have had those kinds of days in field service. At least in my hall, the kids would come with arrangements already made. That way, we were at least together.
. o O (slipnslidemaster)
below is a paragraph from march 1st, 2001 watchtower.
as has been well said by homer simpson, "it works on so many levels.
" comments anybody?.
Does it ever stop??
god, makes my stomach turn.
. o O (slipnslidemaster)
this was posted on my web site guest book:.
guest# 49 .
name: a sister .
God Venice!! Pucker up much???
. o O (slipnslidemaster)
take a gander & read all about it:.
Well... I have shaved it off once in a while and I did keep it trimmed and neat. I shaved it down to a goat because I looked like an old man the other way.
. o O (slipnslidemaster)
take a gander & read all about it:.
DON'T get me started about beards!!
Left on a Sunday and started growing mine that same day.
. o O (slipnslidemaster)
i posted this in response to a thread by nojw86 on h2o and thought i'd see what people here thought about it.... what if the witnesses did something useful for a change?.
just think what they could accomplish, if all the effort spent writing about antitypical fulfilments of obscure psalms was spent writing magazines to educate people about, say, health and sanitation.
if, instead of full-color books on dubious details of daniel's prophecies, they printed full-color textbooks on real history, science, literature, mathematics, etc., for distribution to areas where books aren't so easy to come by.
Do you think that their drinking would decrease also?
. o O (slipnslidemaster)