For all intents and purposes the organization serves the interests of the Governing Body and their helpers and a few other elites worldwide, Branch committees and Bethel heavies, Circuit Overseers, and that's pretty much it anymore since they axed the Special Pioneers and District Overseers. Most of these elites are pretty old by now, at least in their 40s if not 50s or 60s, they don't need to worry about 20 years down the line they'll be dead by then. Because the organization's concern is their concern, because they run the organization and enjoy a comfortable, leisurely, sometimes luxurious lifestyle through the organization they 'serve,' I doubt they think about the next generation very much. While the organization declines year-by-year it's not going anywhere fast, and as long as they keep retaining kids they can and will continue existing for the next 50 to 100 years in some diminished form of their former glory. Yeah, they aint gonna print as much, theyll lat off more Bethelites, sell more Kingdom Halls, keep hanging on the donation drum, but they won't just dry up and vanish like some prehistoric lake.
No fall but preceded by a declination.