Atlantis, I run outta ways to say this but seriously man, you rock.
JoinedPosts by john.prestor
2018 Branch Organization Manual!
by Atlantis injust in case anybody needed this.. 2018 branch organization manual.
Part II: it's time
by Gorbatchov inearlier i posted about the call from close family about that the end is expected in very short time.. today i had the opportunity to speak in person.. this is what is told to me:.
- the gb speaks to us personality through broadcasting;.
- the annual meeting was a very clear message from the gb;.
What do you mean speaking to us personally? It's absurd that this person wants you to perceive scripted impersonal performances prepared and sent out to over 8 million Jehovah's Witnesses as something intended for you individually. The Governing Body could actually meet with the faithful, just like the pope holds audiences for Catholic parishioners from time to time, but I'm sure they're handling much more important business as they lead Jehovah's Chariot forward into the future over all the ruts and potholes in the road they refuse to fix.
1953 Yearbook Faithful and Discreet Slave Compared To Jehovah And Moses Again. 😇
by Fabian inmonday, august 17 [ 1953 yearbook ].
the vision has its own appointed hour, it ripens, it will flower; if it be long, then wait, for it sure, and it will not be late,-- hab.
when aaron built the golden calf, yielding to the demands of the people, moses loyally stood for jehovah against this false worship.
'Because events do not come to pass as they believe they should.'
Because events do not come to pass as you said they would.
It's time
by Gorbatchov inwe got a call from close jw family, that it is now time to visit the kingdom hall again because armagedon is a question of a few months.
now it will happen in a very close time, the brothers say so, was the message.. i had earlier the feeling that jw's think the time has arrived because what they say and what they do, work like mad men with their chart every weekend.. so the expetations are high.. gorby's wife replied "how do you know, you should not know day and hour".
stay alert was the reaction.. so sad and so stupid.. g. .
How can they say that at this point? How long did these people spend in the truth, a week? Armageddon is always imminent, right around the corner, very soon, etc.
The ignorance, the convenient loss of memory, just... It's staggering.
Introducing myself
by Leopold theseconed ini have been introduced to this site by my new friends that are helping me navigate through the reality of waking up and finding out that i have been lied to my whole life.
i grew up in the truth and have given over thirty years to this organization and the few years i wasn’t there my mind was certainly trapped.
the more i think about it i am really not that surprised there was a lot along the way that should have woken me up but it took till recently.
Forget I posted, wrong thread. -
Scriptural Understanding
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara incan all explain what you understand from this verse/how it does or does not connect with the ministry that jdubs do?.
"let us hold fast the public declaration" - hebrews 10:23a nwt.
means "go door to door".
Ultimate axiom, I don't follow. Why do you read it that way? It could mean the initial 'public declaration' made by the apostles, the author refers to that somewhere else.
Scriptural Understanding
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara incan all explain what you understand from this verse/how it does or does not connect with the ministry that jdubs do?.
"let us hold fast the public declaration" - hebrews 10:23a nwt.
means "go door to door".
A public declaration can mean a sermon in a church, why would your mind jump to door to door?
Who Really Controls the Governing Body
by LevelThePlayingField insince we neither can handle a challenge to god's power nor change the actual processes he has in place for the salvation of men, we will influence the men at our disposal.
we will use these men to formulate a religion and establish doctrines that heap reproach and shame to the very processes god has in place for salvation.
we'll establish our own process.. we’ll inspire men to change the bible and make it their own bible.
So when you say we, you're talking like you're what, demons? Like who's supposedly saying all this, the Illuminati, the Lizard People?
Awake magazine: "Help for those who grieve" ?? Appalling omission!
by stuckinarut2 ini have just had the opportunity to read a hard copy of the awake no3 2018 entitled "help for those who grieve".
it really is appalling in its glaring omission of any recommendation to see a professional grief counselor!
I read through the article and I share your thoughts stuckinarut2. Some of their advice is great, take time for yourself, make sure you're eating and sleeping right, keep in contact with family and friends who support you, that kind of practical stuff people forget when they're going through something awful. But in twelve steps there's no mention of seeking professional help, exactly. Why?
I'm guessing it's because counselors, therapists, psychiatrists, whomever, can easily see the emotional damage Jehovah's Witnesses as an organization does to individual members (often, not always, and not just emotional damage, you know everybody likes socializing before the meeting, but emotional damage nonetheless). By that I mean making them live in fear of Armageddon or someone snitching on them to the elders They might even explain this to their Witness patient in terms they'll understand, helping them see things they normally wouldn't because they lack the education to read complicated psychology texts for themselves. Elitist? Yep. True? Also yep.
Because the Governing Body claims to speak with authority on human life and living in it's every imaginable facet, from how you dress to what you say to what you do in public or in private, any competing source of information presents a threat to the movement's leadership, who strives to maintain 'loyalty in thought' among Jehovah's Witnesses. I'm thinking of that recent Watchtower Study Edition article that told Jehovah's Witnesses to get their news from JW Broadcasting and, and to avoid sites like this one that 'apostates' use or even just news sites that cast the organization in an unflattering light.
The Governing Body claims to provide Jehovah's Witnesses with 'the best way of life.' But trained professionals can show Jehovah's Witnesses a better way of life, one of personal fulfillment and individual goals. And they want to avoid that at all costs, they lose enough members these days and enough money.
by john.prestor ini wanted to share a short story from my time studying that congregation (not studying with) where the elder told me 5 years to armageddon i thought some posters might enjoy, little mid-week chuckle that's what i'm going for here.. so this one elder in particular came across like he saw himself as a 'spiritual giant' (weird term cause i thought the nephilim caused all the problems before the flood but thats how jws talk about 'spiritual' people so hey, when in rome).
it just came across in how he held himself and the kinda cold, superior way he looked at you... well, until one sunday at least.. so i came into the hall for the sunday service and i saw him strutting around by the 'information board' (not bulletin board, god forbid) with a manilla folder he'd scrawled confidential across enormously in black sharpy.
he posted a couple letters and then strut into the sanctuary, where he got on stage to read for the watchtower study.
That's exactly how it came across. Like let me get this straight, you got information we don't, but we get treated better than you? In what universe?