The victim? Of what?
Oh wait, he stole the cart, yeah he shouldn't do that
the thing that stands out about this story is and i italicized below is, the jw said he had a permit, which i really, really, really, have a strong feeling that this is the biggest lie told on the planet, dubs just set those damn carts down wherever they please, step back about five feet from them and start looking at their phones are gossiping with their pioneer partner about everyone else in the cong while getting their hours in.. man's best friend also proved to be his best accomplice in the case of a marathon man and his french bulldog butterbean.edgar wallis jones, 59, was walking his dog on sombrero beach feb. 6 at 11:30 a.m. jones approached a jehovah's witness who had a cart filled with religious literature set up near a pavilion.he told the man that he was not allowed on city or state property with religious books.
the victim responded that he had a permit and that they were free.jones said if the literature was free, he would take all of it.
he grabbed the cart while butterbean began chewing on some of the books.
The victim? Of what?
Oh wait, he stole the cart, yeah he shouldn't do that
my cousin was disfellowshipped twenty years ago when he was 18 years old.
he admitted to the congregation elders that he was fornicating with his ''wordly'' girlfriend.
the elders were following him and hiding in their cars to see what he was up to.
Yeah, no way would I pay for it. What a spoiled brat.
feb 26 2019 jehovah's witness parents prevent blood transfusions for three children.
the father said he was entitled to refuse to consent to the administering of a blood transfusion as he firmly believed that there were "medically acceptable alternatives that are as effective, if not more effective"..
I don't know if I would go that far, manslaughter maybe, but I understand why you would say that.
my cousin was disfellowshipped twenty years ago when he was 18 years old.
he admitted to the congregation elders that he was fornicating with his ''wordly'' girlfriend.
the elders were following him and hiding in their cars to see what he was up to.
Personal bias, adorable.
my cousin was disfellowshipped twenty years ago when he was 18 years old.
he admitted to the congregation elders that he was fornicating with his ''wordly'' girlfriend.
the elders were following him and hiding in their cars to see what he was up to.
I couldn't care less what the Bible says Jesus said either. Let's keep on topic here, and it looks like we are, now.
my cousin was disfellowshipped twenty years ago when he was 18 years old.
he admitted to the congregation elders that he was fornicating with his ''wordly'' girlfriend.
the elders were following him and hiding in their cars to see what he was up to.
That is shameful. Shame on them for daring to believe, daring to act like they get to see their new relative but not her father. It's unbelievably cold, self-centered, and frankly laughable: without the cousin they wouldn't have the baby, and now they want to pretend that what, she was born to the Virgin Mary?
As for the burning in Hell remark, gotta agree with Exelder, there ain't no hell, there ain't no heaven, and wanting these people to burn in hell is little different than these people wanting the cousin to die at Armageddon for banging his girlfriend in a hotel room 20 years ago.
feb 26 2019 jehovah's witness parents prevent blood transfusions for three children.
the father said he was entitled to refuse to consent to the administering of a blood transfusion as he firmly believed that there were "medically acceptable alternatives that are as effective, if not more effective"..
When it comes down to life-and-death matters I really don't care one bit about what someone believes as far as religion or spirituality goes. Allowing a 3 year old, 5 year old, or 10 year old to die because Nathan Knorr came up with some bizarre, anachronistic interpretation of a scripture in Acts 50, 60 years ago is despicable, and it's despicable that the only people who could change that interpretation without getting disfellowship for apostasy, the Governing Body, refuse to do so anyway. If the alternative treatment fails, and the father still refuses to allow them to receive blood transfusions, doctors should give them blood transfusions anyway. These kids will thank the doctors one day for saving their lives after their father chose his religion over them.
publisher record cards and reporting hours will be going away.
coming soon.. made this post 4 years ago, it happened -
They might get rid of reporting hours on paper, but they won't get rid of preaching, and I'm with the other posters here who assume they'll introduce electronic reporting instead. Preaching defines 'spirituality (effort) for Jehovah's Witnesses, you can't eliminate it without pulling the rug out from under pioneers, Elders, etc. who enjoy status for making that extra effort. Preaching also gets you places in the organization, I think you need to pioneer for two years straight to attend the School for Kingdom Evangelizers, for instance.
Reporting preaching hours on paper might go. Preaching won't.
if you haven't seen it already, skip to 1:14:30 in lloyds video and watch the craziness unfold..
i'd love to hear everyone's thoughts on this.. they're digging themselves a great hole here, in about 30 years time they'll be claiming this video was a mere "speculation" and that "some people" got the wrong ideas..
I can't see them dropping 1914 for 1919, why bother? They'll pick a date that gives them more time if they drop the former, I dunno, 1993 (I just picked that at random). But I thunk abandoning 1914 would 'stumble many older members but then again, who knows? They crowned themselves the faithful slave in what, 2014, with no obvious backlash or exodus.
today's wt para 1. if you are a young person, you have likely received much advice about your future.
teachers, guidance counselors, or others may have encouraged you to pursue higher education and a lucrative career.
jehovah, however, advises you to take a different course.
Ita disengenuous for whoever wrote that article to repeat the same line they heard as kids to the latest generation as if it's fresh off the press when any Witness could dig this very same article (slightly reworded) out of a box of old Watchtowers in their basement or find it in some bound book in the Kingdom Hall library.