I was almost a lifer and was an elder for many years before I made the very difficult decision to leave. It took me a lot of time and courage to do so. I am sure that I would have been the last person to leave on many peoples list.
If I chose to ignore the constant counsel shoved down our throats at meetings and conventions and gave you the dignity that you deserved by speaking to you ...and then you betrayed ME by posting my name on the Internet, I would honestly want to rip your head off.
You have no right to do that and your rage against the borg is blinding you to see that what you have done is based on revenge and is not rational.
If your book is anything like your posts, it will just be the angry rsntings of a bitter old ex JW. It won't have any credibility and put across a coherent, measured argument for your cause..
You claim that you are speaking for the people who died. You have no idea what their mental state was or what other factors could have contributed to their death (history of mental illness, depression etc.)
Yes the org would have been a huge contributing force, but some people are so emotionally and mentally fragile that they could kill themselves jusr for having a row with a girlfriend or some other event that most people could deal with. You are just intent on destroying the organisation (a worthy cause but this is not the way to do it).
It is just a one sided hate fest and will have no credibility to critics OR people seeking to leave.
If you REALLY cared....do some proper research and don't just make it a roll call of names of people who have killed themselves, just because you assume it was because they were trapped in, or damaged by the 'truth'.
Why not get the ultimate revenge on these people you seem to hate so much (the ones who shunned you etc) and just get on with your life and be happy.
As you said, you have had most of your life sucked out of you. Don't devote another minute to the organisation. Start living the life you have left.
I am well past my prime and could be extremely bitter.....no family, education or job prospects. No pension pot etc....BUT I won't let them beat me. I have my life back and intend on making the most of it.
You are still letting them eat away at your life and steal what time you have left.