Rubbish, translation can be done seperately, they heard of subtitles? It's an excuse to not do anything on some months. I reckon they're trying to look less "televangelist" in this way. I guess they read our comments.
JoinedPosts by pomo6780
Monthly Broadcast for December 2017 is 'replaced by....' - plus more....
by darkspilver inlooks like the wt are even reducing the video content nowadays...... no jw tv monthly broadcast for december 2017 - instead it is replaced with the 'gilead graduation part 1' programme.
issues with translation - apparently replacing the monthly broadcast with the hour long 'spiritual' part of the graduation means that the wt are able to translate it into more languages than before.. plus more.....
brain tumor-associated psychosis and spirituality: a case report (jw) - frontiers in psychiatry (switzerland), nov 14, 2017. .
Where is the Annual Meeting 2017?
by pomo6780 inhmm, it's taken the big gb a long while to approve the annual meeting to be uploaded to their beloved site.
well.... from what i've read, it looks like they'll probably have to cut out a lot of embarrassing bits.
wonder how lett's "immorality ... i mean immortality" would look on an official society video?
It is ironic that the excuse is so that more languages would receive it as a result of this change.
That's stupid, because it actually means that their cutting down on making proper televangelist material. It makes no difference, only gives them less to do.
Where is the Annual Meeting 2017?
by pomo6780 inhmm, it's taken the big gb a long while to approve the annual meeting to be uploaded to their beloved site.
well.... from what i've read, it looks like they'll probably have to cut out a lot of embarrassing bits.
wonder how lett's "immorality ... i mean immortality" would look on an official society video?
The Annual Meeting will now be part of a monthly broadcast. One part of it will feature as the monthly program, the other parts will be released separately.
The 143rd Gilead Graduation part 1 is the December Broadcast. Parts 2 and 3 will be posted separately later this month.
Bible Student Movements + surprise announcement from me
by pomo6780 inhello to all pomos, pimos and lurkers!
i would firstly like to introduce myself, as i should have done in my initial post.
i will remain anonymous for this website.
Hello to all POMOs, PIMOs and lurkers!
I would firstly like to introduce myself, as I should have done in my initial post. I will remain anonymous for this website. I am a critical agnostic. I am not totally against belief in a God, but at the same time I'm not totally for it. I woke up a few years ago when I fully realised that the Borg suppresses people sexually and I was one of the victims. I have now left and have freedom.
I have read topics on exjw websites concerning Bible Student splinter groups with great interest. In fact, I've visited two of their websites and I was shocked to know they are still in existence, when Watchtower claimed that many died out. As far as my research has gone, most of these groups are still existing today, albeit out of the general public eye. I'd like to request any information you have on existing Bible Student groups. Websites, literature, ways to contact them, etc. Either comment here or send privately to my inbox.
The whole reason why I'm doing this is, out of admiration for my biggest influence, Cedars (Lloyd Evans), I want to research and compile my own findings concerning Judge Rutherford into a series of posts on this website. I want to explore the aftermath of the name change in 1931 and give evidence of Rutherford's dishonesty and faliure. The announcement is this, I declare a scathing and very uncomfortable series of topics for still in jws to read entitled The Judge on Trial: Uncovering the Real JF Rutherford
Upcoming in a few days is:
Part 1: Association with Russell and the Bible Students
Secret sex in the Org
by pomo6780 in2 pioneers of the opposite sex.
the brother is in his mid-20s, sister is in her late 20s.
both are alone in car as the only 2 out in field service.
I'm looking forward to seeing some more exposed of the lack of morals in this cult that suppresses sexual freedom.
Stop harassing jws
by pomo6780 inwe want people to learn ttatt.
we have numerous resources online to draw jws in so that they will wake up.
however, i've noted some radical methods that have been used by fellow exjws, and quite frankly, this must stop.
Ah yes. The perfect specimin.
284000 baptized in 2017
by jw-verite inseen in the 03/2018 watchtower study :.
"during the 2017 service year, more than 284,000 “rightly disposed” individuals symbolized their dedication to jehovah by water baptism.".
They specifically said the service report for the 2017 service year would be on
Some exjws have speculated that it will only be grand totals, to hide decreases. That is possible. However, I discovered on that they have the 2016 service year report publicly visible through the online yearbook.
So don't fret, I do believe they will release a 2017 service year version somewhere on their website soon. Watch this space.
Secret sex in the Org
by pomo6780 in2 pioneers of the opposite sex.
the brother is in his mid-20s, sister is in her late 20s.
both are alone in car as the only 2 out in field service.
Any stories of field service related ones? Maybe in cars or in between "return visits"?
I heard a weird fake jw story... I hope it's fake anyway. This young pioneer sister was invited in by two men and they stripped her naked and had sex with her on top of a building. It went to the news apparently and she was disfellowshipped (obviously did not scream). But I can't retrieve the incident anywhere on record.
Secret sex in the Org
by pomo6780 in2 pioneers of the opposite sex.
the brother is in his mid-20s, sister is in her late 20s.
both are alone in car as the only 2 out in field service.
Sorry to sound immature. But damn, what an experience. I wished I was in a part of the world where these things happened more so I could've woken up and left sooner than I did. I only recall 2 extra marital affairs where I came from, but they weren't outstanding.
Stop harassing jws
by pomo6780 inwe want people to learn ttatt.
we have numerous resources online to draw jws in so that they will wake up.
however, i've noted some radical methods that have been used by fellow exjws, and quite frankly, this must stop.
"Now you mention it.....I've had a few operations in my time. One on my guts, oddly enough. Unless you're that Chinese surgeon I might have, you might have."
I think I was assisting at the time of the op. I apologise for the slip of the finger, I have tiny fingers. I donated your organs to the WTBTS to feature in a was it designed article. Received a polite reply thanking me for the guts, but at the moment they're working on the amazing slime trail of a snail...