My guess is this very soon. New light:
"The 7 trumpet blasts no longer represent the declarations from the 7 conventions. They are 7 angelic commands. Which commands? Brothers, what do the angels do? What have they done and what will they do? (After a long 2 part Watchtower on what angels have done from year dot to the future, here are the revised understandings.)
The trumpet blasts began at the beginning of the Last days and will end after the Millennium.
1- The first 4 angels that blew their trumpets represents the announcement of annihilation during the Great War that began in 1914
2- The fifth angel that blew his trumpet represents the announcement of the army of Witnesses during the dark days of World War 2. (Not a porn scene, with use of the word shaft and abyss)
3- The sixth trumpet blasts represents the angelic command to begin the Great Tribulation, to torment God's enemies with a judgment message until their ultimate destruction at Armageddon.
4 - The seventh and final trumpet blast is the declaration that God's Kingdom is here to stay. What follows is Armageddon, the resurrection and the Millennium.
If you were scared rereading the verses according to those understandings, believe me, that is most certainly something jws would be willing to accept. I think there's going to be a watered down version of the Revelation Climax book very soon. Since they're devoting a whole year to studying the gospels, that's giving them enough time to prepare a new book for reference once they touch on Revelation again in a year or two at their midweek meeting. See if what I say is correct.