Many people attend Catholic services every week. They practice birth control, think Priests should be able to marry, don't agree with the Church on divorce, don't believe the Pope is infallible.....but still they go to church. Why? Maybe they enjoy the service or maybe they just feel it is part of worshipping God. It really doesn't matter, if they feel better then good for them.
That is harder to do with Jehovah's Witnesses since they don't want you to "go to church" they want to control your life. BUT, I am convinced that MANY people go to the Kingdom Hall like they would go to church. They don't agree with shunning their children, believing every word of the Governing Body, the blood issue and so on. Now, if you feel better by "going to church" at the Kingdom Hall, that is up to you. However, do not join by getting baptized and quit studying with the pioneer. It will just lead to more pressure to conform and likely lead to him labeling you an apostate because of your independent thinking.
I have asked unbelieving mates who have attended meetings for years, why they come. Several have told me they like the meetings and the people. Hey, as long as it makes them feel better, so be it. Some go to the movies for that, but if the meetings work fine. And, they are free as long as you don't contribute. ๐ค
As for Armageddon. If Jesus came and paid the price for you, who has the right to say you won't make it. Also, if there is no Armageddon it doesn't matter anyway does it?
You might do well to study the subject of Grace, called undeserved kindness by JW's. It's a way of continuing your belief but in a less judgmental way. It's more just appreciating life and living a life of gratitude rather than obligation. You just might find that indeed, Jesus yoke is light and refreshing.
Good luck Mozzie.