He's doing the one thing that was his job, and he's racked up a perfect record: Not Being Hillary.
Otherwise, he's been surprising. I very much opposed him. I was a Rand Paul fan.
After he got knocked out in the primaries, my vote was for the Sweet Meteor Of Death.
I thought Trump the Destructor would be the next best thing. So I voted for Burn It Down.
But so far he's actually turning out to be potentially the best President since Reagan. Maybe in the end, he will be even better. For me personally, his tax policy is a big help.
The economy is starting to roar. Unemployment keeps improving, although more is needed. Removing illegal immigrant and easy H1B labor from the pool should be helpful for raising wages and getting low-skilled Americans into the workforce. Big companies are repatriating capital, planning on capital investments and new plant, as well as higher wages and larger worforces.
Plus the markets have responded completely opposite to what the liberals predicted, although they probably need a breather right now.
As the fruit of deregulation and improved tax policy sink in, we might see some really strong quarters that will return the US GDP trajectory to it's long term trend, which would be great for the fiscal outlook.