If the info in that Facebook post is true, then it's mind-boggling that he would have anything to say about how the WT handled CSA. Jesus...
JoinedPosts by TonusOH
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Resuming his anti-WT videos is probably his best option at this point, at least for the sake of making some short-term cash while he figures out what to do next. Might be a good idea to disable comments, though.
AM III off topic remarks online @ jw.org
by Gorb inam iiii off topic remarks at the anual meeting, are online at broadcasting.. he says in the early 70s he did not believe the end was near, and told his sons not to believe jw's who stating the end is near because the system could go on to 2020.. g..
"I didn't believe the end was that close back then, but it's right around the corner now" is pretty much the WT motto for more than 100 years now, isn't it?
Freaky, unsettling, unnerving comment from Losch in his AGM talk
by FFGhost indid anybody else catch it?.
he said that people who come back in the earthly resurrection would be given a body "reasonably similar" to the one they had prior to death.. what the almighty hootch?.
They do like to come up with details that have no basis. I guess it is to reinforce the idea that they have a unique and direct pipeline to god via the holy spirit.
That said, I could think of a few areas of improvement, were I to be bodily reconstructed and brought back to life. So I'm good with being reasonably similar. :D
Simon, are you affected by this Canadian trucker convoy?
by greenhornet ini think you live in canada.
this convoy is starting in the usa and soon to be in europe.
just like to know how this is effecting your daily life and like to share with us if it is.
I think the truckers should have taken the motto that they wanted to "Block Lousy Mandates." Then any action taken against them would be described as "gov't takes action against BLM protesters." :D
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Video is still there: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4WbKnE-9PQ
He’ll get a follower who is an attorney to write a cease and desist letter to Silvio and company and will base his crowdfund campaign on that so it will look authentic.
I don't think a C&D letter would amount to anything, though I suppose it depends on the defamation laws in Croatia or the UK/USA (I'm not sure where Kim lives, I assume it is the UK).
I think that, in order to prove defamation in the USA (just as an example), Evans would need to demonstrate that Silvio made public statements that she knew were false, with the intent to injure Evans (his reputation, not physical injury). In other words, that she knowingly lied with malicious intent. (Also, I'm putting aside any considerations for a person who has a high public profile, as the law here treats them differently with regards to defamation.)
In this case, if he told her about something he had done, and she repeated it in public, it's difficult to see where he has a case. And if all she did was say "he told me that he did this" then he has no case at all, seeing as he already admitted that he did tell her what he did. And that does seem to be the case here. Which, again, is why I found his comments about legal representation to be confusing. Well... I mean, I know why he would use the term...
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
I'm genuinely curious as to what he has in mind when he mentions legal representation. He appears to have confirmed the claims that Kim Silvio posted online. I'm not sure that he has much recourse (if any) when people betray his (or his wife's) confidence and air out his dirty laundry. As others have pointed out, a lawyer would have been of much more use if he'd consulted one before posting his video and Facebook message.
by pistolpete ina recurring theme in this loyd deal is the we're all imperfect-----------excuse!.
the "we're all imperfect" phrase, is an over used watchtower membership cliche, embedded in the minds of jws and anyone that leaves.
in the real world, there is no such thing as "we are all imperfect".
The "we're all imperfect" argument makes it seem as if no one can judge another person's behavior. Ever.
I'd say that we have to ignore a veritable mountain of nuance, if we're going to take that approach.
But also... maybe the guy who's family life is in shambles due to his lack of self-control is the wrong guy to be editorializing on the moral failings of a religious group.
Where do we go from here, the Lloyd-gate?
by raymond frantz inthe problem is where do we go from here?
lloyd is not going to go away , he has too much to loose(money) neither will his followers go as we have seen the last few days there was hardly a drop to his membership .so what's next?
we will be branded in the same colours and because of him we won't be taken seriously anymore.
He seems to have an outsized influence in the exJW community. I assume that will continue for a while, but it will dwindle. It's an interesting dynamic- I don't expect the WT or the GB to publicly boast about his downfall. No doubt they'd love to gloat openly, but I expect they will restrict themselves to taking shots at him without naming him. At the same time, he will not be in the clear, since the comments section of his future videos will likely devolve into fights between people mocking him and people defending him.
But there are lots of resources out there for someone who has left the organization and is seeking comfort or answers, or both. Lots of good ones. Some of those might get more attention now, which is a good thing.
The Lloyd Evans Sex Scandal is our Business
by annihilator inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w82evcjfybm.
Good video, with lots of good points.
I am not entirely convinced that his brief breakdown was faked, for this reason- the one moment when he displays grief, it is when he is revisiting a comment he made when he was feeling sorry for himself. More notably, by the time he gets to the part where he claims he couldn't kill himself because of his concern for his wife and children, he has composed himself. No sobs on their behalf.
Honestly, his frequent and instant mood swings makes me think that he either has real mental health issues that he needs to address, or that he has become an old hand at manipulating people. It's an effective way of keeping others on their heels and preventing them from taking a firm stand. If it's the former, he needs to take time away from YouTube (and Phuket) and get in touch with a professional. If it's the latter, I hope his poor wife is ready and able to get free of such a toxic and abusive relationship. Especially with two young children to care for.