My understanding is that a Christian is one who puts his faith in Jesus's sacrifice. While JWs de-emphasize Jesus to some degree, they do believe that humanity can only be saved through this sacrifice. I think many Christians take exception to the way they move Jesus aside and focus their worship on Jehovah. For many Christians, Jesus is god, and the way JWs worship strikes them as sacreligious.
JoinedPosts by TonusOH
JW Chrisians in name only-what do you think
by enoughisenough injw claim they are the true religion and they mention the love they have among themselves as proof.
i have been watching a youtube creator who had some thoughts on the subject, bringing out jw were not really christian, based upon their actions.
he made a pretty good case.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon inuh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
T5: do I have your permission to post it
Yep, go right ahead.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon inuh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
I don't see why they would delete comments. The interview is a "conversation on his life journey." If you want it to be comprehensive, you'll need to ask about the past two years and the events and behavior that led to his big internet moment. What is he going to discuss otherwise? His newfound career as a singer/comedian?
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon inuh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
That's the best course of action, just point them to the information about him. I wouldn't go further than that, at least not to the channel host. Because here is the thing: Evans cannot really do much with this kind of exposure anymore. What happens if the interview goes well and people want to learn more about him? Ohhhhh. Whenever he rises to any level of prominence from now on, his past will be there, waiting to derail his hype train.
And also, the more people who want to learn about him, the more who find out who he really is, and the more time he will need to spend scrubbing his social media. In other words, the more attention he gets, the more negative attention he gets. And at some point, there won't be enough time to reply to it all or delete it all. This is your future, buddy. You earned it.
Jehovah and Pleiades
by James Brown indoes anyone remember seeing old watchtowers in their kingdom hall library before they destroyed them all, of the watchtower annoucing jehovah from pleiades kingdom.
i am 72 years old and i remeber seeing these old magazines somewhere..
"For this reason the suggestion has been made that the Pleiades may represent the residence of Jehovah..."
Hmmm. I wonder who made the suggestion? It sounds like Russell wanted to lend some weight to his crackpot theories, hence the use of the passive voice to infer that others have made this suggestion. I don't blame him; the leap he makes from the discoveries of his day to determining that the Pleiades is Jehovah's home is one that the most capable athlete would back away from.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon inuh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Ron.W.: Can Lloyd do anything about that now, or is it too late?
It was always too late. He deleted the account himself. He wasn't tricked into it or anything like that. He could have simply stopped using it, and then it would be his as long as he wanted. He didn't realize that deleting it made the user name available again, to whoever decided to take it.
He tweeted that they wouldn't remove an offensive tweet and he was leaving. If he has returned with a new user name, I have to wonder if it's because they removed that offensive tweet or because his penis decided it wanted to post on Twitter, and since he has no mastery over it...
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon inuh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
The problem with him trying to build (or rebuild) his brand is that he used to rely on others to do a lot of the thankless work in the background, for free. Instead of paying for the additional labor, he profited from it. Who wants to work for him now? Who would work for him even if he offered to pay?
He doesn't want to run a business or manage a website. He wants to post videos, police the comment section of those videos, and get into petty dust-ups on social media, while someone else takes care of the boring stuff. Those people are gone.
A Modest proposal to solve the 1914 problem
by r51785 inthroughout watchtower history dates have been a problem.
the usual solution for failed prophetic dates has been to kick the can down the road.
this needs to be done with 1914. the generation that will never pass away is now 110 years old and therefore is past its useful life span.
Welcome back, scholar. If I'd known you were going to return, I would have stocked up on popcorn!
A Modest proposal to solve the 1914 problem
by r51785 inthroughout watchtower history dates have been a problem.
the usual solution for failed prophetic dates has been to kick the can down the road.
this needs to be done with 1914. the generation that will never pass away is now 110 years old and therefore is past its useful life span.
There is always enough flexibility in interpretation to come up with a new explanation for why they are the FD&S that dismisses the 1919 teaching (which itself required quite a lot of flexibility in interpretation!).
I get the feeling that they're running up against a wall, since they are continuing to change what were/are core teachings of the organization. But when you look at those teachings, they were pretty far out there to begin with, and I don't think the rank and file know enough about them anymore. So they can probably change them and it will have relatively little impact, even though it should be a huge deal. If they could slip that overlapping generations nonsense past them, what else can they get away with?
2023 Yearly Report UNDER the Microscope
by raymond frantz in
branches of jehovah’s witnesses: 85 (= down one from 86 from the previous year and quite possibly they are referring to the hong kong bethel that closed down recently).
number of lands reporting: 239 ( =the same as 2022).
I think TheOldHippie is saying that you could rightly say that you earned one million dollars over that time. Someone else might ask "if you really earned a million dollars, why isn't it in your bank account?" Well, you spent that money. But you also did earn it.
If the WTS's numbers improved by 1% after accounting for a 3% loss, then we can say that they gained 4% but lost 3%. The 1% is a net gain. This makes me very curious to see how the numbers change over the next few years, because it will show them whether the doctrine/policy changes worked or not. Will they be able to slow the number who leave each year? Will they be able to improve on the growth percentages?