Thanks for the update, Kim/Mike. Hope everything is okay.
JoinedPosts by TonusOH
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon inuh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
JW profit from disasters
by enoughisenough insome time back i questioned about jw making money from doing relief work for disasters.
i found this story on reddit and also noted some of the replies.
it makes me wonder how many would have left their own jobs and paid their way, giving free labor and some supplying free materials if they had know what was going on behind the scenes.
Thanks for the info, Beth Sarim.
They probably didn't do anything illegal, but it would be a bad look if they were prioritizing wealthy families in order to maximize the money they made from using free labor. If the only claims are from anonymous Reddit posts, there's not much to go on.
JW profit from disasters
by enoughisenough insome time back i questioned about jw making money from doing relief work for disasters.
i found this story on reddit and also noted some of the replies.
it makes me wonder how many would have left their own jobs and paid their way, giving free labor and some supplying free materials if they had know what was going on behind the scenes.
Interesting thread. I don't know what RBC is, though.
And I can only imagine the kind of career that the poster's father passed on. If he had that many skills --including implementation of SAP in the 1990s!-- he could have made a ton of money by not donating so much of his time and knowledge and energy to the WTS. And all the while attending meetings that made him 'uncomfortable.'
Fading is better then completely leaving...comments?
by Witness 007 ini got the internet in my house and realised it's all lies....but as a pioneer/ministerial servant i chose to fade.
see i had family and friends who were fully strict witnesses.
so i played the poor lost soul brother who is not sure what's happening.
ElderBerry, JW Facts has a good page on the generation teaching and how it changed in 1995.
Before 1995, the idea was that the generation that saw the events of 1914 would not pass before the end. By 1995, that generation was in its 80s and 90s. They practically dropped the teaching, only to revive it in a modified form in 2010 (the overlapping generations teaching), which I think has been a huge mistake for them.
Lloyd Evans Patreoff Pool February 2024
by DerekMoors inhappy new year!
time to give us your vote for lloyd's fall from grace this month.. december 6th he was at 406. as of today, january 3rd, he's at 388. that is exactly, on the dot, where he was january 3rd of last year!
he's lost all gains from his begging videos and reminders and tin cup waving and etc.. so, fire up the shrooms and let us know where you think flab boy will be on february 2nd.
I'm curious if he will address the continuing drop or if he's looking for some other option. If he ignores it, it will continue to shrink as the die-hards start to wonder if he even cares anymore. If he begs again, the effect will be smaller than in the past. There are only so many times he can do that, and this might not be a good time anyway, what with the diminished output and potentially offensive content.
Will he lean on the most dedicated supporters? How long and how much can he drain before they decide to stop (and how nasty will he be to them, when that time comes)? What other avenues are available to him? Voice actor for Baldur's Gate 4?
Deadpool 3
by Vidiot inso, it’s gonna be a marvel studios production.. i’m holding out for the following titles:.
”deadpool: agent of shield”.
”deadpool v spider-man: dawn of bromance”.
Some kind of samurai version?
The Jehovah's Witness religion has ''Jumped the Shark''
by RULES & REGULATIONS inwhat does jump the shark mean?.
the phrase “jump the shark” is a term in pop culture that originated from the tv show “happy days” and is used to describe a decline in quality.
it refers to the moment when a tv show or other product has reached its peak and starts to decline in quality.
I think the 'out of good ideas' explanation is the one that best fits the "jump the shark" theme. But it is also used to indicate that you've peaked and started on your way down.
They've been offering a few good ideas lately to ease the burden on the rank and file. Whether this continues remains to be seen. Easing the burden may bring on a transition period where the die-hards have to face some difficult decisions, but could help the organization survive in the long run.
I think they're at a crossroads. Becoming more mainstream may allow them to keep more people from leaving, but at the cost of their unique identity (which is not a bad thing).
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon inuh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
We can always ask Dijana how she feels about giving Evans the benefit of the doubt. She's had a front-row seat to all the good he has done, after all.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon inuh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Elena: leaving the JWs was his downfall with no moral compass anymore.
The moral compass provided by the organization didn't do him much good, since he was already engaging in immoral behavior while he was in. He was, in essence, already practicing 'JW Lite.' Is that the kind of person that JW Lite protects and allows to remain in contact with others in the congregation? Because that sounds like a good reason to try 'JW Zero' instead.
Snakes had legs until Eden curse! Watchtower 1880 till 1974!!!
by Witness 007 inoften flicking through watchtower bound volumes i would see pictures of eden which shows the snake in the tree of knowledge with legs??
even the photo drama of creation shows a snake with legs.. watchtower 1964 p.352 "genisis 3;14 {snake}on your belly you will go and dust you shall eat...before god curse it the snake had legs, that elivated it above the ground...god transformed it's body so that it ceased to have legs and was able to move on it's belly.".
god's eternal purpose 1974 "god did not put a curse on the whole serpent had only been victimized by satan.. forrest gump watchtower science is price-less!.
I have to admit, the story is much better if we assume that Eve was tempted by Quetzalcoatl.