That would be a u-turn.
Then: be prepared to make a loyal and unashamed defense of your faith, no matter the cost!
Now: Jehovah understands that things might get a bit rough. Take it easy and avoid unnecessary stress.
wt 2013 11/15 p. 20. at that time, the life-saving direction that we receive from jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint.
all of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not.. wt feb 2017.
"the governing body is neither inspired nor infallible.
That would be a u-turn.
Then: be prepared to make a loyal and unashamed defense of your faith, no matter the cost!
Now: Jehovah understands that things might get a bit rough. Take it easy and avoid unnecessary stress.
you heard me correct, this is not a joke, and it is not april fools day!
the asl portion of the governing body updated #2 (march 2024) has been released a bit early and someone caught it.
summary: .
I don't think that's the message from the top, it sounds like that is how some rank-and-file will cope. And if they take that approach, of being able to hide among the enemy during the harsh times, then it opens the door to stuff like tattoos, or earrings for men, or even... (wait for it)... tight pants.
i'm still digesting these changes and i think i'll reserve judgement for some months until we see how it all plays out in reality.. however, if the disfellowshipping process really has been de-fanged and shunning is beginning it's retreat into the society's past then what excuses will there be in the years to come for anyone who wants to leave?.
i can almost understand why they've done this.
more carrot, less stick.
I'm curious as to how it will develop over the next six months and then the following eighteen months. How quickly will JWs embrace the relaxed dress requirements? I bet beards are the latest fashion in a lot of congregations now!
Will there be pushback? Will the outreach open up avenues for people to return, or make it easier for people to drift away? Will there be fewer hardliners than I am expecting? It will be an interesting two-year period, IMO.
i need some help fleshing out an illustration that explains how people can be biased but still reach honest conclusions.
i had jws claim that "evolutionists" are biased towards evolution.
if they were biased towards something else they'd reach different conclusions.
People are biased. There's no way around this, it's how our brains work. The scientific method helps to reduce, remove, and eliminate these biases by providing a framework for scientists to follow. Of particular importance is that there must be clear documentation of the steps taken when investigating and experimenting. This allows for peer-review, where others can follow those steps and confirm or overturn results and discoveries.
This also helps to unmask charlatans and tricksters, people who are deliberately deceiving others and promoting false information. It can take a while sometimes, but in the long run the garbage can be discarded and good results will remain.
you heard me correct, this is not a joke, and it is not april fools day!
the asl portion of the governing body updated #2 (march 2024) has been released a bit early and someone caught it.
summary: .
Why bother with JWLite, if walking away gets the same result? Sounds like JWFree might be the logical step.
you heard me correct, this is not a joke, and it is not april fools day!
the asl portion of the governing body updated #2 (march 2024) has been released a bit early and someone caught it.
summary: .
stan livedeath: Can someone remind me where the 90 day d/f time is mentioned in the bible ?
I believe it's in the book of Madeitup, chapter 19, verse 14.
does anyone know how punky is ?
he hasn't posted in a while ?
jan from tam .
Thanks for the update, Jan. I miss punkofnice.
clearly inferred & proven by scriptures - though not specifically stated - that the 3 were one & the same essence!
(exodus 2:24) abraham, isaac and jacob.. (exodus 3:16) abraham, isaac and jacob.. (exodus 6:3) abraham, isaac and jacob.. (exodus 6:8) abraham, isaac and jacob.. (exodus 33:1) abraham, isaac and jacob.. (numbers 32:11) abraham, isaac and jacob.. (deuteronomy 1:8) abraham, isaac and jacob.. (deuteronomy 6:10) abraham, isaac and jacob.
(deuteronomy 9:5) abraham, isaac and jacob.
I thought it was Abraham, Martin, and John?
wt 2013 11/15 p. 20. at that time, the life-saving direction that we receive from jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint.
all of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not.. wt feb 2017.
"the governing body is neither inspired nor infallible.
I think it is what they want the rank-and-file to think, now more than ever. Any who are having doubts over the recent changes are expected to suppress those doubts and carry on. These recent changes are a start, but the WTS is still a cult and still relies on blind obedience from the members. I'm sure the GB will be paying very close attention to any reports from around the world regarding how the changes are being viewed. I also expect that there will be 'experiences' and talks explaining how JWs around the world are welcoming these changes as a blessing from Jehovah.
If they don't get buy-in from the rank-and-file, they are finished. Expect a very hard push to make it seem as if there is 100% unity and 100% joy being expressed due to the new changes.
did you know that the answer is provided in the scriptures through the 70 weeks prophecy?.
daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy explained.. the 70 weeks were split into three parts.
here is the reason why.. the prophecy is not only about the messiah, it is also about god’s people and the holy city, as verse 24 makes clear.
Phizzy: The Book of Daniel contains NO prophecies for a later time
On the other hand, I approve of people making use of Daniel to predict pretty much anything and everything they think will happen. Perhaps it will become enough of a parody that people will finally realize how silly all of this 'Bible chronology' stuff really is.