LMsA: I mean how can you look at someone like Dijana and think: “Damn I want her up the ass so badly. Nothing else, just gotta have that ass”.
Dominance. Humiliation. Control. Break someone down enough, and their self-esteem erodes away. It shows us who/what he really is. He speaks of how important one's sexuality is. He considers himself a 'sexual being.' His rage at the WTS is based mostly on their restrictive policies towards sex and sexual stimulation. His "sexual identity" is what matters most to him.
So, when he demands that his wife submit to anal sex (which she probably did not want), it's a way to assert dominance and break down her confidence and self-image. When he asks for an open marriage, he is trying to humiliate her (remember, he was disappointed to find that she "wasn't enough" for him). When she changes her mind and he blows up, it's an attempt to intimidate her and put her back in her place. When she finds out that he is chasing after girls women online and on street corners and he reacts by blaming it on 'problems with their marriage', he is really putting the blame on her. He pretends that their problems are due to the WTS 'messing him up' and his wife making it worse, which implies that she's just as bad as the JWs (one of his common clapbacks at his critics).
In other words, this is the kind of behavior you see from abusive spouses. Break down her self-esteem and self-confidence, blame her for everything, and pretend to be forgiving when she comes crawling on her knees. And then you rinse and repeat, because it is a cycle. It never stops.
tl;dr- he's an abuser.