Halcon: Not correct, if the scriptures are to be believed regarding the eventual unity between mankind and God.
The scriptures are fairly vague about this, though. Perhaps the one clear indication is that we are to spend eternity glorifying a being who doesn't need to be glorified. I think this means we will lose our freedom, as I cannot see everyone doing that forever and being satisfied with it. Why go through a relatively brief life that doesn't come close to resembling the life we will spend the rest of eternity in?
Halcon: Don't forget, that despite failing to follow his rules there are many that truly want to.
And yet, they cannot. So we have to wonder what will change to make that capable of doing so, while retaining whatever it is that makes them who they are. That's a pretty fundamental behavioral change, IMO. And it makes me wonder why this couldn't have been turned on for that first human couple. It would have avoided thousands of years of suffering (and an eternity of suffering to come, for a great many).