Who told the first lie?

by nicolaou 299 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • nicolaou

    This is a continuation of the discussion which sprang from an unrelated topic.

    So according to Genesis, who told the first lie? God told Eve that if she ate from the Tree of Knowledge she would die that very same day. In response to that statement the Devil told her she would not die.

    Eve ate from the Tree and did not die. God lied.

  • FragrantAddendum

    did you skip the first two chapters of genesis?

    notice how the word "day" is used:

    they did die "that day"

    we're still in "that day" and adam and eve aren't around because they're dead

    god doesn't lie

    but i know someone who does

  • Simon

    Some would argue that is a WTS translation issue. Not all bibles say "on the same day".

    "but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’"


    But the fundamental "you will die due to eating from that tree" was of course a lie. They died because god killed them for doing it which isn't the same thing. If a parent said "if you touch the elf-on-the-shelf you will die" no one would blame the touching of the elf-on-the-shelf for a child's death at the hands of an evil murderous psychopathic parent, that would be entirely on the killer. Imagine calling then a loving parent after that? Insane.

  • FragrantAddendum

    they unplugged

    he made a way back but they didn't want it

    they chose death and embraced it

  • Simon

    Ah, the old "how long is a day?". You can prove anything if you completely change the meaning of words.

    It's like a killer defending themselves by saying "no, they died after I stabbed them, so it wasn't anything todo with me".

    Did they die, according to the story? And did god 'cause their death, according to the story?

    Yes, and yes, so he's a liar and a murderer. What kind of monster creates something and adds a blind loyalty test without providing any skills to defend themselves simply to torture them if they fail? And if he can see the future, then he did it knowing what would happen.

    But hey, it enabled him to ... checks story ... also torture his own son to death later the in book. So that's nice. What a swell guy god is!

  • FragrantAddendum

    @simon - you sound like a very protective parent

    that is a beautiful thing

    i wish there were more like you in the world

    who would defend the lowly instead of attacking them

    a wise man protects innocent ones

    instead of taking advantage of them for selfish purposes

  • FragrantAddendum

    if adam and eve couldn't obey even a simple command about not touching a fruit despite not lacking a thing and not being hungry

    i wonder how they would have faired with a command about not taking part in child pornography

    seems the fruit was an easier boundary

    what do you think?

  • nicolaou

    Suspend your disbelief for a moment and consider the details offered in Genesis. God created Adam, and after a short time creates Eve as a partner for him. The two of them have no human parents to nurture and guide them, no grandparents, no uncles or aunts, no experience of growing up with siblings or cousins, no friends, no schooling, no childhood memories to learn from. They are naive, uneducated and inexperienced. A five year-old child would be better prepared for life's challenges than Adam and Eve were. So, when faced with an obedience test is it any wonder that they failed at the first attempt? Especially considering that they were confronted with the master deceiver, Satan himself, who had eons to perfect his craft of deception. After all, he’d successfully convinced a third of the angels of heaven to disobey God so what chance did two human fledglings have?

    Surely God would have taken this into consideration right?

    No. A death sentence, banishment from paradise and a curse upon all their children. Thanks a lot God.

  • nicolaou

    And as for the matter of the lie. It does not take thousands of years to eat an apple.

  • FragrantAddendum

    i have to go for now

    but i hope to chat with you again later

    - peace😘😌🫶

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