drippee: I miss my friends and family because I don’t have any now
This is how the organization traps you. They build up an innate distrust of "worldly" people and demand that you avoid any kind of relationship with them, especially friendship or romance. When you leave the organization, not only do you not have a support structure in place, you also have become "worldly" yourself, and you subconsciously apply the distrust and dislike to yourself.
So, you have two things you should focus on: ridding yourself of the negative self-image, and finding friends and relationships among normal (not "worldly") people. If you still believe in god, find a nearby church and see what it's like (this can be a difficult experience for those raised as JWs, again because of the negative association created by their "false religion" narrative).
If you no longer believe in god, then go places and meet people. Again, this can be difficult for someone raised in the insular and restrictive JW lifestyle. And it sucks that you are learning many social skills now that you should have learned as a teenager. But there's no substitute for taking control of your life and living it, mistakes and all.
Good luck!