KalebOutWest: Or are you just angry at God
No, because that wouldn't make sense. Not if approached rationally. I cannot be angry at a god that was made up, and I cannot be angry at long-dead people who created them and wrote stories. I can't even be angry at the people who believe in them, since I was one of those for a very long time.
I was pointing out how the stories present the god of the Bible from a straightforward reading. Many people believe that this being has certain specific qualities. Do these stories reflect them? Stories about the noachian flood (and those stories that followed) give the impression of a person who is a poor planner. A petty and vindictive tyrant. A frightful bully. These are not the qualities we were taught to understand that he had, nor are they the qualities that many who worship this god insist he has, or represents.
Growing up, I was taught to approach these stories in a certain way, which is very different from how they read if you just... you know... read them. So I do that, and I express my thoughts as to what such an approach reveals.