His trip to Canada to try mushroom therapy was fully paid for by someone else, as he tells it. During his livestream, someone offered to pay for a trip anywhere around the world for him and his family. There are wealthy people who will bankroll him for some time. But that's a Faustian bargain, in the long run.
If he cannot get a large and diverse base of financial support, those wealthy donors will find a new beneficiary. Why throw money after someone who has stopped 'making a difference' and has come to expect your continuing support? Does anyone think that Evans won't turn on these rich patrons once they turn off the money spigot? Do any of them think he won't consider their action a betrayal?
He can only ride the "Blame Kim" train for so long, and --in spite of his promise to follow up for decades-- he will need to find a new villain to blame his problems on. A group of wealthy former patrons with buyer's remorse would be the logical choice.