...and the elephants!
JoinedPosts by TonusOH
Lloyd Evans Patreoff Pool April 2024
by DerekMoors inyou know the drill.
here's an updated chart and i'm using 356 because that's where he's at today.
please let me know if there's anything you think might be added.
Prediction: no more changes for a long while
by slimboyfat ini’ve noticed a pattern where things don’t go the way i expect them to go and/or whenever i realise there is a trend and, i mentally adjust for the idea that the trend will continue, the trend stops in its tracks.
so on that basis, and given many people, including myself, and active jws, have been asking ‘what changes will the governing body make next?’ perhaps the (disappointing) answer is: ‘nothing much for a while to come’.
maybe they’ve made the changes they want for now, and will wait a while and see how it’s received.
I wonder if they will end up with a situation like they have with the blood policy, only with DF instead. Where they keep making changes in response to pressure, slowly chipping away at it but never really reaching a conclusion. Then they are stuck with a policy that is mostly useless but can still do a lot of harm in the wrong circumstances.
I guess that is one way to know that the policy was wrong in the first place. That no matter how much you "adjust" it, it continues to be a bad idea until/unless you get rid of it completely.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon inuh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Maybe he can make a video on the one-year anniversary of the "things are bad" video and title it "things are worse and my supporters officially suck." He can then ask if anyone has the means to send him on another trip across the ocean so that he can
bang hookerstry more illegal drugsrediscover his zest for living. -
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon inuh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
I don't think he will find success straddling the line like that- either you are an exJW channel or an anti-religion channel. Most people who leave the JW faith are still looking for a place where they can worship, not walking away from religion altogether. There are plenty of exJW channels that focus on the WTS, without pushing political or anti-religious content.
If anyone still wants to visit his YT channel, feel free to challenge him on this. I am sure he will engage with you thoughtfully and respectfully and not act like a total obnoxious asshole in his replies. Good luck!!
by raymond frantz inthis following story is about the german exjw channel jz help that received a cease and desist letter from the watchtower : "we embarked on a journey to shed light on human rights violations within the jehovah's witnesses community.
it all began when our youtube channel, initially named jw victim assistance, was abruptly suspended in august 2019 by the watchtower bible and tract society of pennsylvania, claiming a breach of human rights.
subsequently, in october, we received a cease and desist notice, demanding the cessation of using the abbreviation 'jw' within a short timeframe.
I wonder how long they can afford to out-lawyer people, though. Relying on in-house people can be risky if they're not licensed attorneys (in the USA, I believe that they must be licensed in each state in which they seek to practice). I would assume they have nonJW lawyers on retainer. Free stuff tends to be worth what you pay for it, after all.
To those JW's at age 10 and above who read it, understood it, got played, and survived. 😇
by was a new boy ineverybody plays the fool.
'okay, so your heart is brokenyou sit around mopin'cryin' and cryin'you say you're even thinkin' about dyin'well, before you do anything rash, dig this.
Topics like this serve as a reminder. When we look at the world situation and become worried, it is the old programming at work. Humanity has spent the last several centuries telling one another that the end must be near because things can't get much worse before we wipe ourselves out. Has this been any more obvious than the last 50 years? There has never been a lack of things for the WTS to point to, where they say "look! this is a sign of the end!"
Stephen Lett's "last part of the last days" is what you say when you realize that you are old and will not be around that much longer. Who has to deal with the fallout when his words come back to haunt the organization? The next group of GB members. I think this might be one reason why they are making such big changes. At some point you can no longer just ignore or walk back statements like that. Remember this: this reform effort is due, at least in part, to the realization that they have run out of reasons for the 'end' times never ending.
June 2024 WT: Don't talk about Anthony Morris
by neat blue dog inthe latest study edition mentions hypothetical scenarios of jws who are no longer serving at bethel or no longer elders, etc.
and says we shouldn't speculate, as defaming them could border on slander.. we could unintentionally defame someone by spreading negative information.
..... would it be proper to speculate on the reasons why these adjustments were made and to share that opinion with others?.
Would it be proper to speculate on the reasons why these adjustments were made and to share that opinion with others? There may well be reasons for the change that we are unaware of.
Translation: The GB moves in strange and mysterious ways.
Don't JWs get tired of this game? They are constantly told about the cleansing light of truth, how nothing can be hidden because truth will eventually shine through, how important it is to be forthright and honest... but also how it's not your business, and what happens in Bethel stays in Bethel. I suppose there was a time when their blind trust could be excused, but these days the same GB is admitting that they get things wrong and won't apologize for it. In other words, they're run-of-the-mill politicians. And no one trusts them.
Inaccuracies regarding pagan origins
by AEnEm ineaster and christmas have pagan origins.
many of us were told that since birth.
the evidence?
Jeffro: Yahweh, originally part of Canaanite pantheon
For some reason, my brain initially read this as "Yahweh, originally part of Canadian pantheon."
And I thought, 'wow, that explains SOOO MUCH.'
Then I read it again.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon inuh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
He might be doing more begging behind-the-scenes. Contacting people and asking for help. He might also be down to the few remaning hardcore supporters. We knew that the loss of support would slow down at some point, and frankly I am surprised if it has taken this long to get to that point.
It remains a problem for him that he really doesn't want to do JW-related stuff and hates not having others to do the dirty work at a discount (or for free). The hardcore supporters will begin to drop off unless his output increases, and increasing his output will make him even more miserable. His income is down quite a lot and one has to wonder how often he will be able to travel and take time off.
As Stephen Lett would say, it looks like we're at the beginning of the last part of his last days.
by St George of England inso the wt society is going to contest the recent norway ruling.. jehovah’s witnesses to appeal unconstitutional ruling in norway (jw.org).
their true colours are shown in the statement: "the decision to deregister jehovah’s witnesses denies us the financial aid and other benefits that the government provides to over 700 registered religious communities in the country.
additional consequences include losing the right to appoint and authorize ministers of jehovah’s witnesses as officiants for weddings.".
Saying "this decision denies us money and perks" is just stating the obvious. That is the whole idea behind the decision-- to put pressure on them to change the shunning policy or lose out on benefits. Whether or not it is unconstitutional is yet to be determined.
The thing I found cringe-worthy is their willingness to lump themselves in with all of those other religious groups that get government funding and perks. Whatever happened to 'not being a part of this world'? Shouldn't they be celebrating the way they are being singled out, unlike all of those 'false religions'?
This is also an opportunity for them to show that they will not bow to pressure. If the court upholds the withdrawal of their official registration, will they keep the shunning rules intact? Or will those rules change? Will they change the shunning rules and apply for registration again? Because that would sound like they gave in. That would sound like they prefer to be treated like all of the other religions. That would mean they put money and perks before their own integrity.
Come on, WatchTower! Show the world that you can't be swayed by money and official government recognition! Be proud of standing alone and rejecting any deals with Satan's world!