They welcome scrutiny... of anyone else.
I'm sure their experience with the ARC left quite a sour taste in their mouths (and pocketbook). I can only imagine what will be revealed in this inquiry.
the jehovah's witnesses have lost their appeal to avoid investigation by a new zealand royal commission.
"a legal bid by the jehovah's witness church challenging a ruling by the royal commission of inquiry into abuse in care has been dismissed by the court of appeal.
They welcome scrutiny... of anyone else.
I'm sure their experience with the ARC left quite a sour taste in their mouths (and pocketbook). I can only imagine what will be revealed in this inquiry.
many people say gb will soon dump blood doctrine to appear less fanatical.
others saying it is impossible for them to do that because of legal ramifications.
i think there is a way that could potentially be solution to those problems.
Their only recourse is to make it a conscience matter. They may not like that, because it will look like they are trying to weasel out of dealing with the issue directly. Since that is exactly what they would be doing, I say too bad. Be thankful that you're not being called to account for all of the death and suffering this stupid policy caused.
Do that enough times, and hopefully more and more JWs will recognize that there is one conscience matter they could exercise to resolve many more of these issues: walking away from the WTS.
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
He's waiting for Taylor Swift to accept his request for an interview. It is slow going so far, as he has only been able to reach an assistant of an assistant of an assistant, and she is refusing his demand to "speak with Taylor right now!" When he asked "don't you know who I am?" she hung up. This poor, overworked go'fer has been added to the lawsuit as "some idiot in California who doesn't appreciate the efforts of professional activists."
As we speak, he is working feverishly on a blistering Facebook post where he will blame Kim for the entire mess.
if it is illegal for minors to get married, enter into contracts, drink, and smoke, why is it legal for them to enter into lifelong religious contracts they can not break without family shunning and community ostracism????
how religious shunning ruins lives.
a form of institutionalized estrangement, shunning hurts health of the excluded.. updated march 27, 2024 |psychology today magazine.
At the least, they should make it a policy to discourage young people from getting baptized. But that runs counter to their narrative, because they just love it when a very young person gets baptized. They feel that it's a good look, and it also pressures anyone else who isn't baptized ('if this young person can dedicate himself to Jehovah, what is holding you back?').
I don't think outsiders are very impressed by it, but the rank-and-file eat that stuff up.
the governing body are proud to announce... can you finish off the line for them - the more outrageous the better,, .
"...the holy spirit has granted us new guidance on the 'generation' teaching, making it flexible enough to pressure people into joining now, while allowing us a way out when it inevitably fails."
the new study article 28 watchtower that has just been published on is about apostate lies and introduces new concepts in their effort to compat apostasy in the congregations.
so despite the loosening of their recent disfellowshipping rules their fight against apostates is still raging hard.
according to the foreword of this article, they will concentrate on :.
They could have written a much shorter version of that article. One line, even:
"Your obedience is more important than whether or not we say something that is wrong."
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
I doubt he would care. As long as they are available for the occasional photo op or video clip, he will be happy.
it took 117 days in 1914 from when uranus and jupiter met on march 4, till the start of ww i on june 28,1914.. another conjunction today; 117 days from today is aug.16, 2024.. .
So... is this 117-day thing reliable? Can we go back 117 days of any other significant world event and find an astrological warning? Will I find my true love today? Or have financial success in my endeavors? Dangit, where are my star charts!?!
is 31:yet he also is wise and will bring disaster and does not retract his words.. 1 sam 15: furthermore, the eternal one of israel does not lie or change his mind, for he is not man who changes his mind.. numbers 23: god is not a man who lies, or a son of man who changes his mind.
does he speak and not act, or promise and not fulfill?.
when the god you worship pronounces judgement, is he, really just issuing a warning or has the matter been determined through all the godly powers of insight, foresight and perfect judgement?
Halcon: This also points, then, to the conclusion having been instinctive.
It could be. Instincts seem like an unreliable way to determine something as important as the existence of gods. Case in point:
Halcon: It's no surprise that by then there were countless gods being worshipped just in Egypt alone.
God disappears for a time, and men's instincts derive an endless list of gods and devils, all of them wrong. Or perhaps not entirely wrong, as Pharaoh's sorcerers were able to call on their deities to duplicate some of the miracles that Moses performed.
is 31:yet he also is wise and will bring disaster and does not retract his words.. 1 sam 15: furthermore, the eternal one of israel does not lie or change his mind, for he is not man who changes his mind.. numbers 23: god is not a man who lies, or a son of man who changes his mind.
does he speak and not act, or promise and not fulfill?.
when the god you worship pronounces judgement, is he, really just issuing a warning or has the matter been determined through all the godly powers of insight, foresight and perfect judgement?
Halcon: The lengthy and rather scientific process you theorized
Oh, I don't think it was scientific at all. Which is one reason why it would take so long to develop. I am not talking about a group of nomads hashing out the cause of lightning over a few evenings and coming up with a long explanation. Even today, we have a tendency to jump to conclusions on insufficient evidence in order to deal with things we may not understand. This trait would likely have been dialed up in a time when every bush might harbor a nasty surprise and getting a small cut might be catastrophic. I'm talking about ideas that probably took generations to begin to take shape, and in decidely non-scientific ways.
Again, if there was a god who interacted with these people and guided them at some point, the development of religion would have begun along a single and clear track. With the certainty of god as a starting point, the answers would not have been made up or random. And, presumably, those humans would have had answers to questions about lightining and infections that would have stood the test of time. Their approach was not scientific or methodical. It was reactionary and driven by fear and a need to have an answer immediately, even if the answer wasn't accurate.