Looks like he ended the monthly Zoom videos?
But replaced them with monthly 1-on-1 meetings? That should go well...
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Looks like he ended the monthly Zoom videos?
But replaced them with monthly 1-on-1 meetings? That should go well...
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
That also demonstrates his lack of self-awareness. Having gotten a new lease on life, he built a brand that provided him with more money than he should have known what to do with. That was a great opportunity to count his blessings and get his shit in order, including helping his in-laws financially and contributing to a stable home life. The kind of thing you might do as a show of appreciation for not being kicked to the curb like you deserved.
He blew it all up. And he has not stopped lighting matches.
they are calling this the 2024 pioneer book.
it was actually printed in september of 2023, but that will be alright.
click the 3 white dots at the top right to download.. .
The WTS has probably spent more time trying to find Atlantis than even the most dedicated archaeologist.
the meaning of true love from a man.. by elizabeth rossi, freelance writer .
i hate to say this but most women will go their entire lifetime and never experience the meaning of actual true love.. it's even slightly depressing to think that most people will never understand how powerful this picture actually is; a prime example of how men should be treating their partner with everyday that passes.. we unfortunately live in a generation with men who have no idea what it takes to be a real man.. let me give you a couple examples of a real man ....... a real man asks about your day and genuinely cares about the answer.. a real man respects your boundaries and never forces you to anything you're not ready to do.. he makes time for you, and takes that time to learn and understand who you are as a person.. a real man consistently shows you the definition of effort with every day that passes.. he will call you randomly throughout the day just to check on you and your mental health.. a real man is undeniably committed to you and looks for new ways to fall in love with you with every day that passes.. he makes protecting your heart a number one priority.. a real man never makes permanent decisions based on temporary emotions.. he never confuses you on where you stand in his life.. a real man apologizes when he is wrong and stays true to his character.. he doesn't mind hurting other people's feeling to protect yours.. a real man gives you affection without sexual expectation.. a real man refuses to entertain any women that isn't you.. he has genuine intentions with you from day one and shows you how it truly feels to be a priority rather an option.. a real man will help you heal from the trauma that nobody apologized for.. a real man values you and would never put themselves in a position to lose you.. take my advice and wait for the man that never let's you fall asleep at night questioning your own self worth.. .
Those are actually pretty old lists of things that mark the 'ideal man.' It's mostly wishful thinking. It would be interesting to see how those lists evolve over time. What would be the traits of an ideal man 150 years ago? Probably less about feelings and more about strength and assertiveness. A current day list would be tricky to write, since we no longer agree on what a man even is.
it's incredible how this cover, and also this "series" of watchtower's is burned into my mind.
i was almost 5 years old when these were released.
“1914 and you” — may 1, 1984 watchtower.
Russell's original interpretation of 1914 was that it would be the end, not the beginning of the end. I'm guessing that the people who were really disappointed in his mistake were the JWs who believed that he was guided by anything but his own ideas. The rest of us were taught that he never said any of this, that he pegged the start of the last days because god was helping him. My generation of witnesses would have been disappointed by 1975, not 1914.
it is proposed to the seimas not to grant state recognition to the religious community of jehovah's witnesses.
lithuania05/05/2024 09:30. jehovah's witnesses; baptism associative / e. ovcharenko / bns photo.. it is proposed to the seimas to refuse to grant state recognition to the lithuanian jehovah's witnesses religious community.. community representatives told bns that they hope that parliamentarians, taking into account the practice of the european court of human rights, will make a different decision.. the draft resolution registered by the chairman of the human rights committee of the seimas, tomas vytautas raskevičius, states that this community does not meet the requirements of the constitution and the law, that its education and rites do not conflict with laws and decency.. "the ministry of justice has determined that the religious teaching of this community is possibly not compatible with the constitution of our country in two aspects.
the first is that jehovah's witnesses oppose blood transfusions due to certain aspects related to health care (...).
I am wondering if there are any other EU states that subsidize religious groups the way Norway does. The WTS will challenge this ruling because it could cause a cascade effect, and if there are any other nations that pay you for being a religion, they stand to lose out on that money.
But this will also be used by them for PR. "Look at how they oppress us! Just as we predicted before the end!" Meanwhile, the main effect is that they can't sign official marriage documents. They can still have a fancy wedding celebration with all of the trappings, but they can't make it official. This slightest of inconveniences is the price they will pay. And they will paint it as persecution that proves the last days are almost over (yet again).
It's a weird way to encourage people to join, though. "Become part of our non-religion before it's too late!"
it's incredible how this cover, and also this "series" of watchtower's is burned into my mind.
i was almost 5 years old when these were released.
“1914 and you” — may 1, 1984 watchtower.
If they need another iconic cover, they can use that one with a picture superimposed over it, of more recent JWs. In other words, the images should.... OVERLAP.
I was 16 in 1984, too. By this time I was probably wavering in my confidence that I would not graduate high school before the end of the present system of things. The same doomed world that is still here, 40 years later.
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
LMsA: I mean how can you look at someone like Dijana and think: “Damn I want her up the ass so badly. Nothing else, just gotta have that ass”.
Dominance. Humiliation. Control. Break someone down enough, and their self-esteem erodes away. It shows us who/what he really is. He speaks of how important one's sexuality is. He considers himself a 'sexual being.' His rage at the WTS is based mostly on their restrictive policies towards sex and sexual stimulation. His "sexual identity" is what matters most to him.
So, when he demands that his wife submit to anal sex (which she probably did not want), it's a way to assert dominance and break down her confidence and self-image. When he asks for an open marriage, he is trying to humiliate her (remember, he was disappointed to find that she "wasn't enough" for him). When she changes her mind and he blows up, it's an attempt to intimidate her and put her back in her place. When she finds out that he is chasing after girls women online and on street corners and he reacts by blaming it on 'problems with their marriage', he is really putting the blame on her. He pretends that their problems are due to the WTS 'messing him up' and his wife making it worse, which implies that she's just as bad as the JWs (one of his common clapbacks at his critics).
In other words, this is the kind of behavior you see from abusive spouses. Break down her self-esteem and self-confidence, blame her for everything, and pretend to be forgiving when she comes crawling on her knees. And then you rinse and repeat, because it is a cycle. It never stops.
tl;dr- he's an abuser.
i have several jw family members.
i have been shunned many years now.
i was not baptized, but i was indoctrinated as a child.
oncebitten: There is a vast difference between the two.
I don't see it. The JW explanation is that JWs can ask forgiveness from Jehovah by using Jesus as an intermediary. He offers his blood to pay that price. Thus, his sacrifice covers the sins of humanity. Adam's actions locked the door to salvation, and Jesus's actions unlocked it. If the objection is that his sacrifice is not automatic (that is, that one must repent before it can be appliced), I don't see an issue. It's the opportunity that matters.
Don't get me wrong, I think the whole concept is overwrought. Nothing stops god from simply forgiving us without requiring that blood be spilled. But I don't see a difference between "Jesus dying for Adam's sin" and "Jesus dying for our sins," because the mechanics lead to the same end result. If anything, the JW version is a poorly-worded explanation that was probably borne out of their need to be contrary about even minor details. The Rutherford Effect, if you will.
quote from that world wide resolution: .
that, in order to prevent the destruction of the nations by their own means in war, the nations further refused the surrender of their sovereignty to god’s messianic kingdom by setting up a society of nations, which, since 1945, has taken the form and the name of the united nations, with international headquarters at new york city.
this international organization stands for world sovereignty by political men.
Thanks, Earnest. That's pretty funny, that one of their own sub-organizations is making Russell's old work available.