NotFormer: How does it work?
It doesn't. The moment you take a concept and change it this radically, it has to make clear and obvious sense once it is explained. In this case, the explanation is clear, but it makes no sense at all. If you used this approach for any other matter, people would immediately realize that you had made it up and that your explanation was invalid. They would assume you are either a liar or insane.
The whole idea behind the 'second fulfillment' of the claim by Jesus was to show how close the end was. When the generation that was aware of the events of 1914 passed on, that should have made it clear that they were wrong. When the generation that was young in 1914 passed on, that was further confirmation. When the generation born in 1914 passed on, the whole mess should have long been thrown in the trash.
Even the GB realized this. In 1995, they decided to quietly drop it. Whoever decided to revive the doctrine and try to extend it with such a stupid explanation is a liar and an idiot. That the GB agreed to promote this explanation makes them all liars and con men. And also idiots, because it's just that stupid of an idea.