peacefulpete: The rest of the first world will shake their heads in disbelief and mock American credulity and embrace of hate.
The USA has been the 800lb gorilla in the room for decades now. With that kind of attention (and with our history) the rest of the world has been holding its collective nose for a long time. That won't change.
I have no idea who will win. I do know that the losing side will almost certainly cry foul and head to the courts, while the winning side will decry this action, even though we know they would both do the same thing if the roles were reversed. Either way, we will not have people in place to really deal with the global issues we are facing, and we will have four years of turmoil.
Maybe we will fuck things up badly enough for the electorate to realize that putting idiots and decrepit geezers in the White House is a stupid idea. We might not have many bright lights in politics, but can we at least get someone in there who isn't too old or utterly incapable? Is this the best we can do, out of a pool of hundreds of millions?