The "one model" creationists are "stuck with" is one where a being of infinite power and unlimited magical energy is able to create anything that anyone can imagine and make it work regardless of how impossible it might seem.
It has no explanatory power and no predictive power, since it cannot be explained except in the broadest and simplest terms. It relies on actual science to fuel its own interpretations of how things work, because without actual science, there is no understanding of how things work. It has changed many times, not because we learned anything about God, but because we learned something about the universe.
This renders the model useless. Without it, we would still know everything we know about the universe and our world, because we learned those through the application of the Scientific Method. Indeed, we could use any of the ancient creative tales to explain the universe under these circumstances. Why isn't the universe actually the carcass of a massive dragon that was slain by a god?