As many times as it takes to set you straight...
JoinedPosts by Toshibabadu
How many times can you be DF'd?
by Fader812 inthere was one guy in our hall who got df'd 3 times, on the fourth time he never came back.
i wonder if they told him not to come back?
What Simple Pleasures Do You Enjoy Since Leaving Watchtower?
by pale.emperor inwhat simple pleasures do you enjoy since leaving watchtower?
here's some of mine, in no particular order:.
a cigar: i dont smoke cigarettes at all, but i do enjoy a good cigar from time to time.
Saturday mornings...sleeping in, eating breakfast with my family, spending the day together, going to the movies, being with my extended family. Just being free to live
JWs biggest problem is not doctrinal issues
by Chook init's biggest problems are associated with its lack of genuine love and concern for the rank& file.
the average person doesn't need a food critic to tell them their hamburger is shit, in the same manner the average person can discern kindness and love.
gbs fake love and concern is evident in the way head office deals with victims of sexual abuse by jw clergy.
I've been trying to respond to this post for the past hour... it's so much i want to say, too much, i could write volumes on how unloving this organization is. It's anything but love. If you're not a pioneer, elder, or MS ...YOU ARE A NON FACTOR. This isn't the message Jesus taught. But Jesus is sidelined there you have it -
"Even if this wasn't the truth, I would still stay. This is the best life to live..."
by HereIgo ini was recently told this by a jw family member when trying to get through to them.
does this quote indicate that maybe such ones have considered that the jw's may not have the truth after all?
or is that just my wishful thinking?
I didn't waste time trying to fade. Once i knew it wasn't the "truth". I stopped attending meetings. I just stopped everything connected with Jw's. They call...i don't respond anymore.
Convention invitations
by dothemath inso everyone is supposed to get all excited about the invitation work starting tomorrow, according to the announcement from the platform.. maybe this makes sense if you're giving out invitations in the city where the convention is, but what if you're many hours away?.
a huge part of western canada is scheduled to attend edmonton alberta this july.
so how does that go over giving out invitations in winnipeg, about a 13 hour drive(that's just driving time).. i know some are actually planning on flying there, so i can't see getting excited about getting the public to make the trek.. i was curious how this is going over in other areas?.
There was an invitation folded neatly in my door. No one buzzed the bell or knocked on the door.They Just stuck it in the screen door and moved on... The convention is 2 hrs away.
For loyal Dubs aspiration literally sucks
by oppostate infree from the mind-f¥¢k of wt indoctrination it is ever so clear that any aspiration one may have entertained was always judged to be bad or selfish, worldly and only those goals in accord with wt teaching were approved and encouraged.. one example was having to look for a new job and being told by an elder that my change of employment was an opportunity to pioneer.
when i shared with him that my first priority was to find work that would afford me to keep food on the table and pay the mortgage, he went on about jesus not having a place to lay down his head and the hebrew patriarch abraham living in tents like a temporary resident in the promised land--this coming from a guy who lived in a $500,000 home and who thought himself as a contractor, subcontracting rather than hiring as employees, other brothers to work for him for very low pay, and enriching himself with the sweat of fellow dubs who had little education and who would often aux.
pioneer so they seemed very theocratic and held up as exemplary by appointed exploiters like him.. were you ever in a similar situation?.
I had a Jw mother tell me how her adult child that still lived at home, needed work. I offered to help her get employment at my job, which paid well. The Jw mother wanted the adult child to pioneer so she said it must be part time. Well my employer only had full time positions. The family is very poor financially. The position would have helped them quite a bit. But she refused.
Do you think the general public cares about former Jehovah's witnesses?
by Christian Gutierrez ini was wondering if you guys think if the general public cares about our stories or if they even care what the watchtower does to people??
At the last assembly i attended only one person was baptized -
Do you think the general public cares about former Jehovah's witnesses?
by Christian Gutierrez ini was wondering if you guys think if the general public cares about our stories or if they even care what the watchtower does to people??
This is why i started to wake up...when i realized that people didnt hate JW's....most people have no idea what JW's believe. JW's always talk about how the world is rejecting the "truth". People have no idea what JW's believe nor do they care. At best the "world" feels pity for JW's because they are deprived.
"We dont mourn the dead"
by HereIgo ini remember a brother making the above statement in regards to an elderly sister who had passed.
he stated we don't mourn or even visit grave sites because we have a hope that jah will resurrect the dead.
it seemed really creepy at the time, hell, even jesus wept when lazarus died.
You dont see alot of crying etc at JW funerals. I was at a JW funeral and someone cried out...all i heard was "who is that?" Whispers from all around and JW's looking shocked. Even when I started to cry I felt embarrassed.
The Rank Hypocrisy of JW Rank and File
by steve2 inwtf?
russian jw mr novik is shown in full view on jw org wearing the "parental glory" badge with its prominent cross pattee on his lapel - and not one word of caution is sounded.
similarly, jw forums are abuzz singing the praises of mr and mrs novik and their brood after they received the parental glory honor from no less than jw-oppressor, mr putin.. from the stinking gb heaven all the way down to the dusty rank and file, the hypocrisy is sky-high.
Jw's cant show honor to their mothers and fathers on the national mother and fathers day. This award was given on national children's day. JW' s cant honor a birthday but this award is ok.