Anony I could care less about the brand aunt Jemima.( There are more important things to worry about) However, I do have an issue.with you just making crap.up. Aunt Jemima was.not a real life person!!!! You keep making stuff up with no regard to facts. Where do you call me up with this crap.
Below is what the aunt Jemima brand is based on. Please do.some fact checking before you post drivel.
Aunt Jemima. The trademark dates to 1893, although Aunt Jemima pancake mix debuted in 1889. The Quaker Oats Company first registered the Aunt Jemima trademark in April 1937. Aunt Jemima originally came from a minstrel show as one of their pantheon of stereotypical Black characters. The character appears to have been a Reconstruction era addition to that cast.