Ruby, you're hopeless.
Once again you provide a link to a completely irrelevant article.
The keyword "jehovah" does not appear once in the linked article you posted so it is completely useless in addressing the question as to whether or not Jehovah's Witnesses suicide rates are higher or lower than the general population.
Your inability to focus on the OP topic and to directly answer questions is troublesome. That fact that you continually try to misdirect and obfuscate is beyond annoying.
I have no idea what your payoff is, but you are beginning to seem more and more like a troll.
Again, you wrote: "the suicide rate isn't higher among JWs than general populations. in fact it is lower."
You made the assertion. You need to provide evidence to support it. You have not done that.
Research "regarding religion generally" that is not about Jehovah's Witnesses specifically does not support your assertion. In case you haven't figured it out: JWs is not a typical religion; it is a high-control, high-demand authoritarian environment which subjects its members to undue influence using coercive methods of mental manipulation. This often results in severe mental distresses--particularly among those that leave as a result--that can lead to severe mental illnesses such as: depression, anxiety, PTSD, schizoaffective disorders and a whole host of other disorders. This cannot be said of "religions generally" and so it is not possible to extrapolate results of such a study and try to force fit it onto current and ex-JWs.
If you cannot, or will not, provide research-based evidence from a reliable source which supports your assertion that JWs have a lower suicide rate than the general population, then you should retract that statement and back off.