Wow, God got a computer! And now he's teaching us to use the internet. Oh, boy!!!
This organization is so hopelessly behind the times technologically and yet they strut and crow like they invented the damn stuff. And their so controlling about it even George Orwell would shudder. Note this comment @ 7:27"
- "Back in 2008, 25 individuals were approved to receive email on their mobile devices."
And of course, this is all on a closed, in-house system that can be monitored by the WT leadership. Paranoid much?
There is also a very curious comment by the man speaking at 8:45"
It's probably NOT what he meant, but it sure sounds like he is saying:
- "The future looks even more promising as we continue to humbly seek Jehovah's erection ... "
Well now. Things are really, ... ahem ..., looking UP!
Listen for yourself and see what you think!