To all,
I was able to attend the ICSA conferences earlier this summer in Bordeaux, France. Obviously, it's a big commitment to go to one of these events; but if you can, I heartily recommend it.
You will meet former cult members from MANY DIFFERENT CULTS, but participants are also mental health professionals, researchers and family members of those affected by cults. And I mean all kinds of cults: religious, political, ideological, charismatic movements, therapy cults and criminal gangs to name just a few.
It's really a transformative experience in many ways. One of the really important take-aways for me was this: although various cults seem very different superficially--doctrines and beliefs, dress, rituals and practices, etc.--they are all pretty much the same underneath. They are all about one thing and one thing only: absolute control evidenced by your blind, unquestioning obedience.
Thanks for posting this Barbara!