As long as they aren’t interfering, yes. Absolutely yes!
Posts by jp1692
Should private citizens be allowed to video record law enforcement?
by Fisherman ini saw an article in the news yesterday that laws are going to be passed subjecting the police to being recorded by anyone while performing their duty or enforcing the law and encourages citizens to sue if they interfere.
some law enforcement agents become angry and confiscate recording devices from people recording them while making an arrest, etc.. it does seem that the work that the police and other government agents do is public and not private or confidential so there should be nothing to hide from the cameras.
on the other hand, how can one distinguish being shot by a camera or by a weapon until one is hit?.
Charging $150 To Tell Your Stories
by Bangalore in
for $150: collaboration with the backer so that their story of successfully escaping an abusive belief system (300 words max) features along with others in the final pages of how to escape from jehovah's witnesses.
the text will be written by the author but will include a minimum of one quote worded by the backer.
jwundubbed, you raise a legitimate question concerning copyright ownership. Evan’s failure to address these issues can have potentially serious legal consequences.
The fact that Evans doesn’t even address them shows both his ignorance and the amateur nature of his approach to publishing.
Whenever an established, legitimate business seeks content from the general public through a contest or something there’s always a ton of fine print addressing just these sort of issues and concerns.
Charging $150 To Tell Your Stories
by Bangalore in
for $150: collaboration with the backer so that their story of successfully escaping an abusive belief system (300 words max) features along with others in the final pages of how to escape from jehovah's witnesses.
the text will be written by the author but will include a minimum of one quote worded by the backer.
jwundubbed, your comments reminded me of something I'd previously written on this point:
Many people that leave a cult are emotionally stunted cases of arrested development, particularly those that are born into it. Lawrence Wright, journalist and author of Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief (2013) wrote, “a lot of former cult members are ‘living in the shadows’,” that is they have never really learned to have a full and complete life outside of the cult. No longer in the cult and not either in the larger world, they have a “shadowed” existence midway between the two worlds. We need to find a way to put an end to the pain that these people are suffering and enable them to live to their fullest potential.
Expounding on this idea, Mike Rinder, a former senior executive of the Church of Scientology, commented:
It's a lot of work to recover from leaving a cult, so much so that some people never fully recover. They spend their whole life "living in the shadows," never really having the life they could and should have.
These people need help to come out of the shadows. We can do that by shining a light, a bright light, on the dysfunctional beliefs which keep them confined to living on the fringes of life.
[Word Count: 206 words ... LOL]
Charging $150 To Tell Your Stories
by Bangalore in
for $150: collaboration with the backer so that their story of successfully escaping an abusive belief system (300 words max) features along with others in the final pages of how to escape from jehovah's witnesses.
the text will be written by the author but will include a minimum of one quote worded by the backer.
jwundubbed: We learned to be abusers. You don't stop being an abuser until you put in the time and effort to stop being an abuser.
I really appreciate your response and comments. The other side of the abusing coin is the victim mentality. Those are two of many cult cultivated (did you see what I did there?) traits and behaviors which take much work to identify and overcome.
Your next comment is also insightful:
And pointing out other abusers doesn't make you less of one. You still have to do the time and work of changing your behaviors.
I'm always amazed at how easy it is to see negative, dysfunctional behaviors in other people and hard it is to see it in ourselves.
We all need mirrors ... that and the desire and courage to see the truth about ourselves. In my experience, most people don't want to know.
Things You Still Agree With The JWs On
by Fred Franztone inaside from obvious things that most people agree on, like theft being wrong and the importance of family, i can't think of a single thing i agree with the jws on, nothing that's specific to their religion anyway.
do you have any?.
Charging $150 To Tell Your Stories
by Bangalore in
for $150: collaboration with the backer so that their story of successfully escaping an abusive belief system (300 words max) features along with others in the final pages of how to escape from jehovah's witnesses.
the text will be written by the author but will include a minimum of one quote worded by the backer.
ScenicViewer: This is definitely off topic, but it struck me just how narcissistic members of the GB are. It all fits, especially the last remark about having an exaggerated sense of superiority.
Actually, I don't think it's off topic at all.
Many people leave the organization known as Jehovah's Witnesses (or any other cult for that matter), and they do so for a variety of reasons.
But most don't do the hard work to eliminate the cult-indoctrinated negative personality traits which they acquired as a part of their association with the cult.
Of course many people have numerous negative personality traits without ever being part of a formal cult, but the whole cult experience can both create personality defects that were not native in the individual as well as magnify those that were.
It takes both time and hard work to recover from being in an abusive relationship of any kind.
It's telling that Evan's book title focuses on "escaping" from the religion and not recovering from it. Of course the only barriers to leaving are psychological, but those "bars" can be as effective as the physical kind until a person learns to recognize them for what they are. Once we do, then the recovery can begin.
Charging $150 To Tell Your Stories
by Bangalore in
for $150: collaboration with the backer so that their story of successfully escaping an abusive belief system (300 words max) features along with others in the final pages of how to escape from jehovah's witnesses.
the text will be written by the author but will include a minimum of one quote worded by the backer.
Dub: The only place where I got no response was at jwsurvey.
Yep. That sounds about right.
Any ex- or want-to-be exJW can tell their story here for free. AND they’ll have a much larger, more appreciative and sympathetic audience.
But wait, there’s more: you also get immediate feedback! No extra charge.
Charging $150 To Tell Your Stories
by Bangalore in
for $150: collaboration with the backer so that their story of successfully escaping an abusive belief system (300 words max) features along with others in the final pages of how to escape from jehovah's witnesses.
the text will be written by the author but will include a minimum of one quote worded by the backer.
For some activists, it’s all about the cause. For others, they are the cause.
Do they officially give marking talks without telling the one marked?
by Wakanda inmy pimi (physically in, mentally in) friend believes she was marked without them telling her.
i believe her, and she has been making work for the elders.
she is a pain in their arse, and they are a pain in hers, which is great.
I was an elder for over two decades in several congregations with “friends” in many more. This question came up from time-to-time.
The subject(s) of a “marking talk” would NEVER be told about it before or after. If they were bold enough to ask if it was about them, the usual answer would be something like, “Why do you ask? Did it seem to be about you?”
And yet the talk had to be specific enough so that—without actually naming names—everyone in the congregation would know exactly who it was about and why without leaving any doubts.
It’s such a humiliating and manipulative way to publicly shame a person leaving them with absolutely no dignity or chance to defend themselves or correct any false accusations.
Royal Australian Commission - Recomendations for Jehovahs Witnesses
by curiousconfused inthe report is finally out.......... ————————.
recommendations to the jehovah’s witness organisation.
recommendation 16.27. the jehovah’s witness organisation should abandon its application of the two-witness rule in cases involving complaints of child sexual abuse.. recommendation 16.28. the jehovah’s witness organisation on should revise its policies so that women are involved in processes related to invesation and determining allegations of child sexual abuse.. recommendation 16.29. the jehovah’s witness organisation should no longer require its members to shun those who disassociate from the organisation in cases where the reason for disassocia on is related to a person being a victim of child sexual abuse..
Well, that's soft and gentle. No teeth anywhere to be seen.
I predict absolutely nothing will change as a result of this. Nothing.