LUHE: maybe I could think about teaching ...
I can recommend it as a noble and very rewarding (albeit not necessarily monetarily) profession.
Feel free to PM me if you'd like!
just thought i'd start a thread about what i've been up to recently.
any comments and suggestions are welcome.. so here goes .... i'm interested in enrolling for a master's degree and i've almost completed it.
i just need one more reference, plus i need to sort out the finances.. i'd been claiming universal credit for 2 years after graduating from uni.
on grief and loss.
each and every tear is a memory.
and when you feel so intensely all that you have lost, you are also remembering everything that you have had.
Sail Away and Moster, It’s nice to be appreciated!
Wasanelder, I’m sorry about your loss. Thanks for sharing your own feelings on the matter. It is complicated!
Good JW, I think it’s important to work through your feelings; burying them is generally not the healthiest approach as they are left unresolved, unexperienced. Grief is indeed a process. It takes time, and just when you think you’re over and done with it, something can trigger a memory and bring those emotions back to the surface.
JRK, Exquisite pain indeed. Thanks for sharing the Lou Reed song. I wasn’t familiar with that one!
greetings, dreamers:.
i guess it's never going away: daytime carryovers of jw-related stuff seeping into my dreams.. the majority of these dreams take place at conventions but with really weird trappings.
last night i dreamed i arrived at the site with no books, no lunch, nothing but my car keys.
I just found this in Recovery From Cults: Help for Victims of Psychological and Spiritual Abuse:
"Nightmares ... are symptoms of what is called post-traumatic stress disorder; they are commonly found in survivors of destructive cults, incest, rape, and war, as well as victims of natural disasters, such as floods, tornadoes, and earthquakes" (APA, 1987, as cited in Langone, 1993, p. 321). - [Bold added]
greetings, dreamers:.
i guess it's never going away: daytime carryovers of jw-related stuff seeping into my dreams.. the majority of these dreams take place at conventions but with really weird trappings.
last night i dreamed i arrived at the site with no books, no lunch, nothing but my car keys.
Here are the results of a quick search I did on the subject. It seems that most of this research is dealing with soldiers suffering from PTSD.
Although our PTSD may not be as severe as that of actual combat soldiers, it is still appropriate to understand and acknowledge that the cult experience is for most people traumatic in its own way:
I've only scanned the articles myself -- I intend to read them more carefully later -- but I expect that there will be some helpful reading to be found!
greetings, dreamers:.
i guess it's never going away: daytime carryovers of jw-related stuff seeping into my dreams.. the majority of these dreams take place at conventions but with really weird trappings.
last night i dreamed i arrived at the site with no books, no lunch, nothing but my car keys.
I frequently have many dreams related to my experiences in the JW cult. They are almost universally unpleasant at least and anger or anxiety inducing at the worst.
A few months ago I attended an ICSA cult recovery workshop. One of the presenters, Doni Whitsett, Ph.D., made an intriguingly inscrutable comment in passing about the frequency of cult related dreams among ex-cult members.
I meant to ask her later for more information about that, but forgot. I'll have to get in touch with her and see what more insight she can share.
on grief and loss.
each and every tear is a memory.
and when you feel so intensely all that you have lost, you are also remembering everything that you have had.
on grief and loss.
each and every tear is a memory.
and when you feel so intensely all that you have lost, you are also remembering everything that you have had.
is it because we were in the cult watchtower compound that we talk about being ex-jw's when we stop being active?
i have never heard anyone say that i was an ex-catholic or an ex-lutheran or an ex-baptist.
they just stop going to their church and don't talk about it.. years after not stepping inside a kingdom hell, many of us still have to talk about being ex-jw's.
i came across this video, which looks at mental illness among jws.. it is an old video, but really hits the nail right on the head as to the reasons why there is such a high level of mental illness among the jw's..
What Furuli calls a "study" is merely a survey and not a rigorous one by academic or scientific standards.
His argument is essentially: "Bergman has questionable credentials and ethics; therefore, JWs do not have a problem with mental illness. I also know because I asked a bunch of my friends if there were any crazy JWs in their congregations and they said, 'No, not many!'"
I'm not joking. He really did this.
An example of this can be seen by considering Furuli's "methodology." He himself explains:
As the basis for my 2015 study, I sent a questionaire to elders in 35 Norwegian congregations. In order to ascertain that the numbers from the Norwegian congregations were representative of the worldwide population of JW, I sent the same questionaire to elders in 24 congregations in USA and in 15 congregations in 12 other countries. The elders were asked to carefully consider each member of the congregation with the following questions in mind: How many active and inactive members have, or have had, a mental illness (schizophrenia, psychosis, bipolar disorder etc.), and how many active or inactive members have, or have had, a severe depression? (2015, p. 8)*
Seriously!?! Furuli asked congregation "Elders" to diagnose mental illnesses and then to report back to him. THAT is the basis for his conclusion that JWs have a lower incidence of mental health issues than the general population. To say this is flawed research methodology is a gross understatement.
Obviously, elders are not trained or qualified in any way to make such assessments. This is ridiculous!
Also, his own data sometimes indicates that mental health issues are higher among JWs than among the general population. For example, he writes:
If we use this number, the rate of admission to mental hospitals is 2.60 per 1000 among the Witnesses compared with 2.54 in the normal population; the rate of schizophrenia is 1.15 among the Witnesses and 0.61 in the normal population; the rate of paranoid schizophrenia is 0.88 among the Witnesses and 0.38 in the normal population (2015, p. 5).
So even after Furuli’s tweaks with the numbers, he admits the rate of mental illness of JWs in Western Australia is more than that in the normal population. Nevertheless, Furuli himself admits that "final conclusions are difficult to draw" (2015, p. 5).
Another significant detail to consider in Furuli's analysis is that he included "only those who have been treated by a psychiatrist or at a mental hospital are counted" (2015, p. 11). There are two serious problems with this:
These two factors alone demonstrate the serious methodological flaws of Furuli's "study." A dispassionate reading suggests that the actual number of active and former JWs suffering from mental health issues is probably quite high. Indeed, for a religion that claims to be "the happiest people on Earth," even one person with mental health issues is a problem for their delusional, unrealistic and unhealthy ideology.
Furuli's discussion of the issue of suicide is similarly flawed. Demonstrating his religious bias, Furuli writes: "To commit suicide is an extreme act that violates the basic principles of God, and persons who do that either are mentally ill or they are in a situation of the deepest despair where they see no solution for their problems" (2015, p. 13).
Clearly, people that are suicidal have mental health issues. But it is equally obvious that if you are a member of a religion that spouts messages like the above, you are not likely to be open about your mental health issues with congregation elders. Unfortunately, such ideological shaming usually has the opposite effect, causing people to hide their concerns, preventing many from getting the help they need. This is a serious, endemic problem for people in this religion.
There are so many other logical and factual errors in his paper it's laughable. The last third turned into a JW propaganda puff-piece totally unbecoming for an academic paper.
I could write more detailing reasons whey Furuli's "research" should not be given much attention, but the above makes the point. Again, it's really lame.
* Note: My citations are from an early draft of Furuli's research submitted for the 2015 CENSUR conference in Belgium. It is my understanding that this draft was rejected for publication because of serious methodological problems such as those I addressed above. The link Earnest provided is only to the abstract of an ostensibly revised version. Unfortunately, I do not have a copy of that nor is it readily available.
i came across this video, which looks at mental illness among jws.. it is an old video, but really hits the nail right on the head as to the reasons why there is such a high level of mental illness among the jw's..
Although Furuli is definitely a scholar by most academic standards, his field of expertise is Semitic languages, not psychology. He is also well known for being a rabid JW apologist:
Based on his studies, Furuli has attempted to defend the religious views of Jehovah's Witnesses—of which Furuli is a member—including their view that Jerusalem was destroyed by the Babylonians in 607 BC rather than the broadly recognised dating of its destruction in 587 BC. - Rolf Furuli
His bias and lack of objectivity is obvious in everything he writes concerning JWs.