I wonder when FOX or CNN will pick "Breaking News" this story up? LOL!
just seen this announced on reddit:.
ken cook was announced today at morning worship as the new member of the governing body.
i dont recall him from the broadcasts, but he was formally a helper on the writing committee as per
I wonder when FOX or CNN will pick "Breaking News" this story up? LOL!
kingdom ministry school.
2018 service year.
programme for congregation elders: file:///c:/users/michael/downloads/kms-tk18-e_no8.pdf.
WTW: The biggest trap of college is the debt.
If you think education is expensive, compare it to ignorance:
Why you should seriously consider the merits of a college education: A 2013 study based on Labor Department statistics showed that Americans holding a four-year college degree made 98% more per hour on average than those without a degree. - (CNN Money) More recently, according to 2015 data compiled by the Economic Policy Institute, "college graduates, on average, earned 56% more" than those who only have a high-school diploma (USA Today). While we are at it, let's take some time to think about finding a career or vocation that is more than just work, but is actually meaningful and rewarding in more ways than just monetary:
See also:
greetings, friends across the two ponds:.
of course, as per other posters' recommendations, i could google this; i have and remain, not totally confused, but wanting the straight dope as well as nuanced meaning.
i'm both curious and needing to know for purposes of editing works of american and british writers.
i made a couple of comments the other day on this forum and i hadn’t realized it had.
been so long.
my history shows i joined 3 years ago.
BD: The circuit servant visited a few months ago and told the members that their tues. night mid week attendance was horrible. Thanks for the fine encouragement I thought. He said to change it back to thurs night and attendance would increase back to the way it used to be before the members voted for tues night to be.
Rearranging furniture on the deck of the Titanic would have been more meaningful.
It’s hard to know what to say in response to your post other than this: I appreciate the mixed emotions and conflicting feelings you expressed in your stream of consciousness post. Thank you for sharing.
Oh, and this. Let’s review: It’s a cult!
so my cousin phoned and told me my jw sister was taken to hospital with chest pains and it may have been a slight heart attack or possibly she's starting with angina.
now as some of you know my sisters and brother have had little to do with me for 29 years.
we've met at funerals, or arranged them, but i just thought today what if she did die?
Steve: It raises the question about why ex-JWs try to be seen as caring in the face of JWs indifference?
Well, "trying to be seen as caring" would be wrong.
But the problem is many of us genuinely DO CARE and LOVE or family members still in the cult. The problem is that when we do what normal people do we are rebuffed and made to feel like we are wrong simply because we don't share their beliefs.
What we get from our "still-in" loved ones is not "indifference," it's abusive mistreatment, attempts at control and guilt.
i'm pretty certain i'm not the only one here who experiences this.. i occasionally have jw dreams.
the most recent one was me giving a talk in my home congregation.
all i had on was my trousers (pants), socks and shoes.
I've had JW related dreams off and on as many here have also commented. Usually I have one every month or so. As I posted here, it's been four years since I've set foot in a Kingdom Hall.
The common themes are similar to yours truthseeker: at a meeting or convention, not dressed properly, not knowing where I'm supposed to sit, where anyone I know is, I'm late ...
And yet for some reason, I've have JW nightmares the last four nights in a row!
Strangely, in my nightmare last night I was actually in a suit and had all the materials ready to consider a Service Meeting part. Unlike the usual dreams (see above), this time I was the only one prepared and ready. There were only a couple of other people there and they weren't prepared; everyone else started showing up late. I got frustrated and left. Very bizarre turn.
Either way: Not fun.
You might also see this recent thread also on this subject by CoCo:
today is the four year anniversary of the last time i set foot in a kingdom hall.
it was the day of the kool-aid issue of the wt!
“at that time, the life-saving direction that we receive from jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint.
Thank you all for your thoughtful and supportive comments! I really appreciate it. I am overwhelmed. Things like this are truly the best part of this forum.
I took Friday and yesterday to relax and reflect and so--although I saw and appreciated your posts--have not responded until just now.
And now for some specific replies:
millie210: Was that your last day because of the article or was it a building up of other things?
This was "the final straw" for me. I actually began to have doubts in 2002/3 when I learned about the UN/NGO controversy. I didn't actually leave the organization until 2009, but "kept a toe in" to try and maintain a relationship with my still-in children. That was futile. When I first read the now infamous WT article cited in my OP, I decided that the congregation "study" of it would be my last time ever in a KH. That was also the last time I ever spoke face-to-face with my oldest child. All attempts I've made at contact have been rebuffed since.
Fink: Congratulations jp1692 It is better living in the truth isn't it ?
Yes it is, yes it is!
Bigdummy: My wife and I were watching a documentary a few months ago on the Waco incident with David Koresh. They showed a clip of him teaching his followers and I promise he said that same line to them almost exactly word for word.
Apparently this kind of language is Cult 101. It's kind of embarrassing any of us ever fell for it. At least we have woken up. Sorry your wife hasn't, but there's still hope.
Smiddy: This is an organization that is heading down the road of David Koresh/Waco/The family and every other doomsday cult that has brought misery to those who have had any connection with them.
Very true. It's painful to leave family and loved ones behind, but at some point we need to save ourselves. I tried for six or seven years to get my family members to wake-up. It was futile. At first I hoped to get my whole family out intact. Then I hoped and tried to at least get my kids out. Then I hoped that, even if I left, at least my kids' love for me would be greater than the cult control and we could still have a relationship. I was naive. I was wrong.
Cults destroy families. It's what they do.
LongHairGal: Congratulations on your anniversary of being out of the JW religion! I have been out many years but confess if I were still there and heard those words about ‘obeying instructions that may not appear sound....’ I would be disturbed by it. I’m sure this did not sit well with many JWs.
Thanks. I'm equally sure that many were disturbed by this WT. Some left as a result, but most have remained.
Xanthippe: Happy Anniversary jp1692. I'm glad you're no longer trapped in that dark dungeon of a cult. It will be twenty-nine years for me next month.
Thanks. Yes I have left that "dark dungeon," I have escaped my oubliette.
Congrats to you too on 29 years of freedom!
Flipper: Freedom is sweet!
Yes it is. Peace out to you too my aquatic friend.
DOC: One just has to wonder why that quote didn't cause more to awaken?
That is a very good question, one which I have spent considerable time pondering. I've learned a few things about myself and human nature as a result, but nothing definitive. Perhaps that topic can be a future thread at the right time for it.
kairos: I had exited just a few months prior to that article. After seeing it, I immediately got a sick feeling that many will die because of JWs.
Interesting response. It certainly made me uneasy too, particularly because I have two children and countless other relatives, loved ones and former friends still in the cult. Fortunately--at least for now--there hasn't been any Jonestown-type follow through, but I don't count that out if and when the GB ever become desperate.
kairos: That WT quote is the gift that keeps giving, in that it will continue to wake up doubting JWs that start doing WT research. There is no reasonable way to interpret those directions from the GB.
There is this. It is, as I said above, a Cult-101 control statement that is inarguable in its significance and meaning. That's why I think it's important to, whenever appropriate, bring it up again. Friday was appropriate for me. And--based on the affirmative responses I've gotten from you all--very appropriate for you too.
Half Banana: For a believer with a less than robust mind it creates the unnerving idea that some dangerous instruction will come which they must obey without question.
It is the very potency of this announcement which will instill fear and loyalty. Thinkers on the other hand like JP and bigdummy will leave.
Many happy returns of the day JP!
Thank you!
I think the key difference here is critical thinking ability. This is something that cults in general, and JWs in particular, discourage by constantly denigrating independent thought as sinful. It certainly isn't purely native intelligence that makes the difference in who leaves and who stays. I think it is a combination of traits and abilities.
Good discussion and points to ponder!
And finally to LV101,freddo, scratchme1010, truth_b_known, and stuckinarut2: Thank you so much for your kind words and supportive comments.
You're the best!
so my cousin phoned and told me my jw sister was taken to hospital with chest pains and it may have been a slight heart attack or possibly she's starting with angina.
now as some of you know my sisters and brother have had little to do with me for 29 years.
we've met at funerals, or arranged them, but i just thought today what if she did die?
My intuitive, immediate response is: Of course! Absolutely. But then I read this:
I don't know, I'm always trying to second guess them instead of trying to be human and 'normal'. Probably because all my attempts to be human and normal have failed over and over again.
JW's are so good at framing the situation that no matter what we do, it's wrong--at least from their perspective.
That being said, my thoughts are this: do the right thing, the thing that makes YOU feel good: your normal.
Perhaps a card or a letter would be more personal than a text. I'm kind of old fashioned that way.
Sorry about your sister. This cult ruins so many things. You care, that's evident. Don't let their bad, dysfunctional behavior define you. You are an amazing, sensitive and caring person.
Although I understand what other posters have written about the futility and dangers of "chasing a relationship" with people that have treated us badly, I have another perspective on that. Letting your sister know that--in spite of how she has mistreated you--you still care. That's all. It's just letting her know you care. Nothing more, nothing less.
yesterday, i had my sister come over to tell my mother and i that she will no longer have anything to do with us, because we need to come back to the meetings, it’s what jehovah wants, and hands her a letter to read and asks for a final hug.
my mother has been dealing with a terrible lost of dad since july, and has been very ill with stress because of it.
i no longer belong to the organization either, and i have been helping my mother out thru this ordeal, it is just as rough on me.
Your mother is confused.
The vast majority of JWs have no fucking idea what they are supposed to believe, but if you disagree with them or the Governing Body—whoever the hell they are—they will cut you off in a heartbeat.
Let’s review: It’s a cult!
greetings, former children:.
i really miss my childhood home, which we left in 1960. dad sold it for some 12,000 dollars; it recently sold for somewhere under 1.5 million.
it's only a tiny bungalow but in a prosperous bay area town, not too far from san francisco, california.. the art and literature that are so important to me -- and for many others of us -- got their start in my heart and mind here in the california mountains.
CoCo: Do you have a similar tale to tell?
I do. Details to follow ...