That’s great, Xanthippe!
Thanks for sharing the positive outcome.
so my cousin phoned and told me my jw sister was taken to hospital with chest pains and it may have been a slight heart attack or possibly she's starting with angina.
now as some of you know my sisters and brother have had little to do with me for 29 years.
we've met at funerals, or arranged them, but i just thought today what if she did die?
That’s great, Xanthippe!
Thanks for sharing the positive outcome.
i know that some here detested him while others may have simply accepted the reality of who is president.. do you think he is better than you might have thought as a president?.
No way. He is worse—way worse—than I ever imagined and my expectations were low.
He is dangerous in many ways. He isn’t even helping his base and yet many of them double-down and continue to support him.
It’s frankly quite bizarre that not everyone can see this.
i was doing a shearch on physicist alain aspect, and came across this :.
the universe as a hologramdoes objective reality exist, or is the universe a phantasm?.
SBF: believing in God in some sense is an acknowledgement of the limits of human understanding.
How does "I don't know" mean "God did it!"?
That is an illogical non sequitur.
those of us here wasting our time trying to show who trump really is .... it's like trying to reason with all those still in the organization.
they have found a new person to fill their heads with lies and control they way they think.
in many ways this ts amazing to me.. i am out of the wbts and free.
FMF: jp I bet if you google "how Obama was like a cult leader", you will probably also find articles and books.
I tried it. Here are the results, probably NOT what you expected:
FMF: There is no doubt about Trump shortcomings, but the idea that all the people who voted for him or even defend him in any way are brainwashed deplorables is nonsense.
Did I say that? No, I did not.
BTW, just because I find the behavior of SOME Trump followers reminiscent of cult members does NOT mean I think they all are. Your conclusion is a logical fallacy. Also, it does NOT mean I liked Obama either. That is another logical fallacy.
those of us here wasting our time trying to show who trump really is .... it's like trying to reason with all those still in the organization.
they have found a new person to fill their heads with lies and control they way they think.
in many ways this ts amazing to me.. i am out of the wbts and free.
HH: Signs you are in a cult: Your leader eat humans for entertainment.
Then I guess that proves I'm no longer in a cult. I have no leader. I view no human as superior to me.
those of us here wasting our time trying to show who trump really is .... it's like trying to reason with all those still in the organization.
they have found a new person to fill their heads with lies and control they way they think.
in many ways this ts amazing to me.. i am out of the wbts and free.
HH: no, Reza you dummy.
I see. You can't construct a proper sentence, but I'm a "dummy."
Funny. No wonder you like Trump.
i was doing a shearch on physicist alain aspect, and came across this :.
the universe as a hologramdoes objective reality exist, or is the universe a phantasm?.
Who controls the lasers creating the hologram? And of what are they made?
This is all just pseudoscientific fantasy, wild speculation and conjecture.
What is reality? It is what it is.
After being in a religious cult for 25 years and now only put any confidence in ideas which have actual evidence to support them.
those of us here wasting our time trying to show who trump really is .... it's like trying to reason with all those still in the organization.
they have found a new person to fill their heads with lies and control they way they think.
in many ways this ts amazing to me.. i am out of the wbts and free.
HH: Isn't Reza Aslan a rando guy with a crackpot theory about Jesus who literally ate a human cadaver on CNN?
I'm pretty sure Jesus has never been on CNN.
those of us here wasting our time trying to show who trump really is .... it's like trying to reason with all those still in the organization.
they have found a new person to fill their heads with lies and control they way they think.
in many ways this ts amazing to me.. i am out of the wbts and free.
Can’t understand why a loved one would vote for Donald Trump? Let the experts who spend their lives studying cults help break it down.
Rick Alan Ross, America’s leading cult expert, executive director of the Cult Education Institute and a lifelong Republican, explains why “Trumpism has striking similarities to the fanatical groups he studies.”
Ross answers the question: “Is Trump a cult leader?”
Here’s a short-list of the evidence he examines concerning all those “Drinking the Orange Kool-Aid”:
i was doing a shearch on physicist alain aspect, and came across this :.
the universe as a hologramdoes objective reality exist, or is the universe a phantasm?.
BBW, posted a similar thread a few years ago:
It featured a TED Talk by George Smoot.
His reasoning was seductive, but ultimately fairly weak. Nothing but conjecture, speculation and guesswork.