Inviting and then uninviting. What's wrong with these people? Oh, I know: they are in a high-control, authoritarian cult and are afraid to think and act for themselves.
so a week or so ago we received an invitation for a jw friend's wedding anniversary party in the was addressed to 'the andersen family' (and not just mrs. andersen & baby andersen) which was pleasant of course, but not a huge surprise given the type of person who said friend is.. however, i already prepared myself to be uninvited after all.
some time ago, there was a congregation farewell party/ my surprise, i was invited too!
an elder specifically came over to my house to tell me.then some weeks later, he visited again, being terribly sorry but the invitation was revoked as the congregation got concerned over my possible presence.. with that debacle in mind, i wasn't surprised to receive a message from my friend 'hey are you at home?
Inviting and then uninviting. What's wrong with these people? Oh, I know: they are in a high-control, authoritarian cult and are afraid to think and act for themselves.
so it's not enough that i'm dealing with post traumatic stress/anxiety and panic attacks all related to my life as a jw (50 years baptized -- i stopped going a couple of months ago) at 3 a.m. i get an email from the other side of the world.
'you have to go to the convention.
bro sanderson says we must watch the news, things are happening.
Sanderson says we must watch the news, things are happening
First bit of advice: don't read your emails in the middle of the night.
You are suffering from an induced phobia. But the good news is that you are literally afraid of nothing! Think about that long and hard.
The WTBTS has proved that they don't know what they are talking about. They've been wrong about everything for centuries.
Sanderson is right. Things are happening. Some are bad, but most are good.
FACT: this is the best time to be alive in all of human history.
You will get better!
may 14, 2017 to all bodies of elders re: public reading of study material at congregation meetings.
which replaces.
april 22, 2012 to all bodies of elders re: reading scriptures at the watchtower study.
More micromanaging nonsense. - Matthew 23:24
on whether or not she chooses to shun?.
"You are my friends if you do what I am commanding you." - Jesus the Control Freak (John 15:14)
i wonder if it's possible for those of us who've been out decades to have alerts or alternatively see a grouping of threads in a folder or something similar if something actually happens of interest in the borg.. i'm not really interested in the day to day stuff about this cult but i would like to know if anything drastically changes as my siblings and their kids are still trapped.
i don't know anything about creating the code for forums so i don't know what is possible but if you don't ask you don't get.
this is not a criticism it's just time for me to move on and just drop in occasionally..
i just wanted to share a quick thread to remind us all to never give up hope that our loved ones who are still mentally trapped in the org may one day wake up.. when i first starting waking up i never thought my wife would also awake.
i have always loved and respected her ability to think and reason, but i assumed that the hold of the organisation would always have its grip on her.. but slowly, and with patience, i shared some things i had learned, and the results have been amazing!.
my dear wife, who posts here under the name "unstuck" is so fully awake along with me.
Etude, you expressed my thoughts and feelings exactly!
i just wanted to share a quick thread to remind us all to never give up hope that our loved ones who are still mentally trapped in the org may one day wake up.. when i first starting waking up i never thought my wife would also awake.
i have always loved and respected her ability to think and reason, but i assumed that the hold of the organisation would always have its grip on her.. but slowly, and with patience, i shared some things i had learned, and the results have been amazing!.
my dear wife, who posts here under the name "unstuck" is so fully awake along with me.
Stuck: I simply wish to hold a hand of encouragement out to remind us all to never give up. Show love and patience with your loved ones. Keep your dignity poise and grace, and you never know where things will go!
Thank you for your very encouraging words. I think it's time to change your username!
i think the disfellowshipping abandonement arrangement in human relationships also to be a heavy contributor to this malady:.
borderline personality disorder (bpd), also known as emotionally unstable personality disorder, is a long-term pattern of abnormal behavior characterized by unstable relationships with other people, unstable sense of self, and unstable emotions.
Steve2, thank you for your thoughtful contributions to this discussion. Your comments about genetic vs environmental factors are pertinent, especially in light of longitudinal studies of twins separated soon after birth. I do take exception to your overly general comments about schizophrenia since, in my experience and research, the consensus of the psychological community is that of increasingly acknowledging problems with the current ways the term is both defined by the APA and used in diagnoses and treatments of individuals presenting widely disparate behaviors. (See, for example: Schizophrenia Is Not An Illness, Philip Hickey, PH.D.)
But to return to the issues raised in the OP, one of the biggest questions among mental health professionals is this: What is the key causative factor which determines whether or not an individual develops a mental illness such as depression or anxiety?
Competing theories advance biological, environmental, psychological and emotional/social factors as primary. So which is it? The answer is: It's complicated. Indeed, all are contributing factors and yet none by themselves are solely determinant. Nevertheless, one is more prominent than the others. Which is it?
In 2013, in the biggest ever online test into stress undertaken by the BBC's Lab UK and the University of Liverpool, a study was done which revealed that rumination is the biggest predictor of the most common mental health problems in the UK. Although the study was originated in the UK, it revealed results that concern people worldwide, not just those in the UK.
This study, which was devised by the BBC's Lab UK and psychologists at the University of Liverpool, was the biggest study of its kind ever undertaken in the UK. It included a total of 32,827 people from 172 countries. Click on the link below for details:
In commenting on the results of this study, the BBC reported, “The findings of a ground-breaking study, published in the journal PLOS ONE, suggest that brooding [or ruminating] too much on negative events is the biggest predictor of depression and anxiety” and other associated symptoms of mental illness. - [Emphasis added]
In other words, “a person's psychological response” is a more important factor in determining whether or not they develop symptoms of mental illness than whatever specific traumatic events they have experienced. How we view an event is actually more important to and for our mental health that what actually happened to us.
This is good news, because this means that how a person copes, or fails to cope, with traumatic events is often the key factor as to whether or not they develop mental illness. People can be taught healthy coping skills to alleviate and even rid themselves of their depression and anxiety. One essential element is identifying and ridding themselves of dysfunctional core beliefs which contribute to their malaise and replacing them with a healthy, positive and accurate worldview which promote emotional health, personal growth, recovery and healing.
i think the disfellowshipping abandonement arrangement in human relationships also to be a heavy contributor to this malady:.
borderline personality disorder (bpd), also known as emotionally unstable personality disorder, is a long-term pattern of abnormal behavior characterized by unstable relationships with other people, unstable sense of self, and unstable emotions.
BBW: Get a life asshole a stop being so fucking stupid.
I have a life. I'm trying to help you to "stop being so fucking stupid."
It doesn't seem to be working.
You are doing exactly what the WT leadership does: you make baseless assertions without evidence and then attack people that challenge you.
i think the disfellowshipping abandonement arrangement in human relationships also to be a heavy contributor to this malady:.
borderline personality disorder (bpd), also known as emotionally unstable personality disorder, is a long-term pattern of abnormal behavior characterized by unstable relationships with other people, unstable sense of self, and unstable emotions.
BBW: I'm thinking heredity has the biggest 90% influence of developing what we moderns call mental illness and environment perhaps 10% influence.
And what is your basis for this conclusion? How do you know this to be true? What's your evidence?