Ruby, start a new thread then.
This one is titled:
why jw's commit suicide?
we all know the rate of suicide is high among jw's.
my question is this- was there some subliminal messages that encourage this.
i was a born in and my entire life i would have these thoughts that could come out of nowhere,"kill yourself.
Ruby, start a new thread then.
This one is titled:
why jw's commit suicide?
we all know the rate of suicide is high among jw's.
my question is this- was there some subliminal messages that encourage this.
i was a born in and my entire life i would have these thoughts that could come out of nowhere,"kill yourself.
Ruby, you're hopeless.
Once again you provide a link to a completely irrelevant article.
The keyword "jehovah" does not appear once in the linked article you posted so it is completely useless in addressing the question as to whether or not Jehovah's Witnesses suicide rates are higher or lower than the general population.
Your inability to focus on the OP topic and to directly answer questions is troublesome. That fact that you continually try to misdirect and obfuscate is beyond annoying.
I have no idea what your payoff is, but you are beginning to seem more and more like a troll.
Again, you wrote: "the suicide rate isn't higher among JWs than general populations. in fact it is lower."
You made the assertion. You need to provide evidence to support it. You have not done that.
Research "regarding religion generally" that is not about Jehovah's Witnesses specifically does not support your assertion. In case you haven't figured it out: JWs is not a typical religion; it is a high-control, high-demand authoritarian environment which subjects its members to undue influence using coercive methods of mental manipulation. This often results in severe mental distresses--particularly among those that leave as a result--that can lead to severe mental illnesses such as: depression, anxiety, PTSD, schizoaffective disorders and a whole host of other disorders. This cannot be said of "religions generally" and so it is not possible to extrapolate results of such a study and try to force fit it onto current and ex-JWs.
If you cannot, or will not, provide research-based evidence from a reliable source which supports your assertion that JWs have a lower suicide rate than the general population, then you should retract that statement and back off.
we all know the rate of suicide is high among jw's.
my question is this- was there some subliminal messages that encourage this.
i was a born in and my entire life i would have these thoughts that could come out of nowhere,"kill yourself.
Ruby, you're giving away your lack of scientific training and education.
I don't need to prove anything. YOU made the assertion, YOU need to provide the evidence. That is how science works.
I realize that this is not an academic research forum, but you are needlessly derailing with your baseless assertions what is an important discussion. Then, when you are called on it, you play these silly little immature games.
For the record, I have researched this particular issue for many years and, as Steve2 wrote previously, there is precious solid research to support a conclusive statement one way or the other about the actual rate of suicides among active or ex-JWs in comparison to the general population of any particular geographic region, let alone globally. This is unfortunate because it would be really useful to know. A rigorously researched analysis in a longitudinal study done with a statistically relevant sampling of populations from representative samples globally would be just the ticket. To date no one seems to have done that. If you know otherwise, then share. If you don't, then please be quiet about things you do not know about.
In the meantime, it is perfectly fine, and actually quite informative, for individuals to share their unique experiences, observations, perceptions and impressions on the issue. This kind of anecdotal evidence is important, but it does not a scientifically valid conclusion make.
You seriously err when you say, "In fact it is lower."
You don't know that it is a "fact," so stop saying it is.
we all know the rate of suicide is high among jw's.
my question is this- was there some subliminal messages that encourage this.
i was a born in and my entire life i would have these thoughts that could come out of nowhere,"kill yourself.
Ruby: the suicide rate isn't higher among JWs than general populations. in fact it is lower.
Ruby, please refrain from posting unfounded assertions.
I have repeatedly asked you to provide research-based evidence to support this assertion and you have failed to do so.
It is really unhelpful for you to repeat claims for which you cannot provide proof. It just muddies the waters needlessly.
If you have evidence, share it. If you do not, stop. Seriously: stop!
march 22, 2017 to all convention committees re: discontinuation of physical distribution of convention releases.
They could save even more if they just quit writing all of that crap! video gave me cancer..
Women dancing with other women! Does Tony the Turd know about this???
a while ago someone (i forget who) was doing a series, a regular analysis, of wt studies from the current week.
i have't seen any for a while so i thought i'd contribute one.
have a bit of fun picking out all the unsubstantiated assertions and logical fallacies etc... so here goes: (if you enjoy it let me know and i might try doing another.
Nice Review!
You might also enjoy this from JWFacts:
Or these older threads:
hi everyone.. well, i have some good news.
after having a terrible moment arguing with my mom about the 1914 teaching and all it evolves (she get really upset and i felt great regret for starting the argument) she came to me next day and started talking with a much more open mind, and she talked about a lot of concerns too.. she and my father naivily expressed the wish to write to bethel to ask about 607bc.
i told in all the possible ways it wouldn't work.
Prepare to get disfellowshipped.
tonight i had an argument with both my parents.
my parents are aware of my feelings towards the organization, and it saddens them because i am their first born son.
they had high expectations of me, my father dreamt of him and i serving together as elders.
Are you selfish for having a mind of your own, wanting to live your own life and make your own choices? Perhaps, but only in completely normal and appropriate ways for any adult.
Really, it's your parents that are the selfish ones for wanting you to live according to their wishes and desires with no regard for your own.
we all know the rate of suicide is high among jw's.
my question is this- was there some subliminal messages that encourage this.
i was a born in and my entire life i would have these thoughts that could come out of nowhere,"kill yourself.
And anecdotal evidence need not be ignored, but it must be recognized for what it is with all of its limitations including the possibility that we read into it conclusions that aren't warranted and which are frequently skewed by our own biases.