JD: Watchtower has been mostly complying with the [court] orders
That does not appear to be even remotely true. There are countless instances all around the world of WT refusing to comply with court orders. Also, they redacting important information when they do and they often simply stonewall.
Heck, in 2014 when Gerrit Lösch was subpoenaed to appear in the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, to testify at a deposition in a child abuse case, he just didn’t show. Instead, his WT attorney filed a bullshit affidavit lyingly saying that Lösch does “not answer to Watchtower” and that the “Watchtower does not have, and never has had, any authority” over him.
In this case, the WTBTS received a $13.5 million judgment against it for its complicity in the abuse suffered by Jose Lopez at the hands of Gonzalo Campos. One of the reasons why the lawsuit went so badly for Watchtower was due to its failure to comply with various court orders, including requests for documents and an appearance by Lösch at a deposition.